Institucin Ferial Alicantina

Chocolate factories Value, the chain of establishments of the first national chocolatera company, have been present in Institucin Ferial Alicantina (IFA) during the four days of celebration of just concluded XIII Congress lomejordelagastronoma. Thus, between days 12 and 15 of November, the classic car of time of the standard has been one of the points of contact of the event, in which they were distributed free of charge between the attending public more than 7,000 cups of chocolate and 8,000 chocolates. This way, more of near 115,000 visitors of the fair in Alicante they could taste the product stars of the chain of chocolate factories, the chocolate to the cup. The new edition of the congress, that began to be celebrated in 1999 in San Sebastin and it moved to his present location two years ago, has been the one from greater success of attendance, consolidating it like one of most important of the sector. In the fairground 200 cooks occurred to appointment worldwide, 200 exhibitors, 60 I sweep, 16 restaurants, more than 200 factories of kitchen and a hundred of tastings and tastings. Karen Freyer follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. ecutive-Officer’>Jeffrey Leiden is the source. Chocolates Value, through their chocolate factories wanted to be present in the contest. And it is that Chocolate factories Value offer a product letter that is within reach of anyone, to enjoy in good company. In their establishments are all varieties of chocolate: to the cup, water ice, cold to the French or chocolate Swiss, cake, ice cream craftsman, products of tasting like Yumb range or the Four Chocolate senses, fondue, milkshakes, et cetera To which is to add to other products of the mark, available in the stores within the chocolate factories, emphasizing the chocolates craftsmen of the high range, original (chocolates craftsmen of maize toasted to the salt, olive oil or vinegar of Modena), of liquor, truffles and one complete range of chocolates without sugar.

From 1881 the mark Value has made chocolate, recognized by its quality, whereas the first chocolate factory dates from 28 years ago. At the moment the standard counts already on 40 establishments in Spain, and continue their expansion by means of the system of the franchise. It looks for entrepreneurs it jeopardize that they wish a self-employment option and offers a concept of business consolidated, and differentiated from the competition, with a philosophy of company of familiar character. Corporative Chocolate factories S-value the first tax exemption of Spain dedicated to the chocolate. In order to become franchise-holder of the mark the premises among 150 are required and 200 ms, with possibility of terrace, located in a population whose area of influence congregates around 100,000 inhabitants, or, if it is a tourist locality, that the sum of the populations fixes and floating goes up to around this number; and an investment among 180,000 and 200,000 Euros, excluded the canon from entrance.