Bremen dominated in November 2009 next German employment exchanges which had appreciated Daforto GbR for their job 22.101 the month November 2009 published job advertisements from, announced on twenty of the most famous German-speaking online job markets. The aim of the study was to determine a coefficient that is comparable to the respective regional labour market situation for the sixteen German Federal States. This, the relative fraction of the total of offered jobs in the ratio was used to the relative fraction of the total population. For the second time in a row the free graduated from Hanseatic City of Bremen on the first rank in the list of provinces, most vacancies per inhabitant were offered here so. This, even the very high coefficient obtained in the month of October could be outbid again. Since the rate of the offered places per inhabitant in the Hanseatic City of Hamburg has been shrinking, the distance between the first and second place was this time more clearly than ever. The biggest winners of the month of November was Free State of Thuringia, where rose the number of vacancies per inhabitant by nearly sixty percent.
Through this increase in Thuringia as the first East German State, managed to rank in a month score in the top of the list. In Schleswig-Holstein and Rhineland-Palatinate the number of offered posts per inhabitant rose although not quite as strong as in Thuringia, however, the two provinces had the two highest jumps in the list of coefficients (five and four, respectively). The State of Bavaria, which cut off with a Jobforto coefficient of 0,896 this time even below the German average was one of the of the month relegated once again. Even fewer vacancies per population were measured only in four provinces. The tail light formed as in the previous month, Lower Saxony, Germany, although the second-largest German State could improve something his then achieved coefficient. Jobforto coefficient in the month of November 2009: 01 (01) – 4,446 – Bremen (+ 0,158) 02 (02) – 2,821-Hamburg (0.107) 03 (03) – 2.011 – Saarland (+ 0,249) 04 (07)-1,748 Thuringia (+ 0,644) 05 (04)-1,364 – Hessen (0,211) 6th (11)-1,234 Schleswig-Holstein (+ 0.286) 07 (05)-1,212 – Berlin (0.109) 08 (12)-1,152 – Rhineland (+ 0.250) 09 (08)-1,002 – Saxony-Anhalt (0,094) 10 (06) 0,956 – Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (0,218) 11 (10) – 0,897 – Baden-Wurttemberg (0.065) 12 (09) – 0,896 – Bavaria (0.178) 13 (15) – 0.835 – Saxony (+ 0,230) 14 (13) – 0,701 – North Rhine-Westphalia (0.032) 15 (14) – 0,696 – (+ 0.006) 16 (16) Brandenburg – 0,603 – Lower Saxony (+ 0,165) the first value shows the current rank, the second value of the of the Vormonates. The variable represents the current coefficient of Jobforto with the three decimal places.
The change of coefficient compared to the previous month is indicated after the name of the respective federal province. Example of determination of coefficients: on the free State of Bavaria accounted for in the November 2009 13,68 percent of offered points of the sample accurately. Because the population of the State corresponds to a share of 15.27 percent of the total population of the Federal Republic of Germany (Status: 31 December 2008), this results in a coefficient of Jobforto of 13,68%: 15.27% = 0,896. The higher the coefficient, the more vacancies are per capita in the respective State. A coefficient of 1.0 would be equivalent to the national average. Axel Saalbach Leipzig, 04.12.