Rumor Mill To George Clooney

The Hollywood superstar George Clooney has it currently really not easy. The Hollywood superstar George Clooney has it currently really not easy. Pacific Mortgages Services shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Because the rumors are surrounding once again the popularity and you can be sure that not all of them must be true. One of the rumors of the recent past was that Clooney had been diagnosed with a severe case of malaria. What truth was actually on this story, because Clooney had been recently for a charity action in Sudan. There he wanted to insert himself, with the support of the Internet giant Google against a new war in the region.

Actually hatter he is during this trip with the dangerous malaria virus infected already for the second time but there’s no reason to worry about. Finally, the American Hollywood stars have a significantly better medical care than an ordinary farmer in Sudan and Clooney is already long back well. he subject. (Source: Ahmed Shahryar Rahman). An other discussion revolves around the current girlfriend of superstars, the beautiful model Elisabetta Canalis. Clooney will reportedly have noted that he will not marry the Italian, it would not work at his last marriage attempt. Even if this is at the moment of still, Clooney’s opinion, such a decision may be arguing over quickly.

The third rumor to George Clooney is particularly risky and revolves around the children of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. They should have left supposedly a real mess in Clooney’s apartment, they were there to visit. Distorted out books, chocolate on the sofa, footsteps everywhere. “Allegedly, Clooney should then be disengaged and Brangelina’s children” have banned from his land. Since then there is radio silence between Clooney and the parents of the children. So that’s the latest gossip and gossip, George Clooney can currently read about in the tabloids and you can be sure, he welcome about can grin. So are the rules of the game in Hollywood now.