International Foundation for Holistic Education Holistic Education Master of "THE LESSONS OF RAMON GALLEGOS" For, Griselda Lopez Rocio Valtierra., January 2008 FROM THE WORK OF DR. GALLEGOS RAMON NAVA. Doing a thorough analysis, Dr. Ramon Gallegos Nava found that since the early twentieth century educational activity was greatly influenced by psychologists interested in explaining the learning process, some attended only the body dimension, others emotional, cognitive or spiritual individual or social level, some more advanced have attended more comprehensive levels of the human dimensions without being inclusive of all dimensions of the kosmos. For even more details, read what Film Financer says on the issue. He speaks for example, Alfred Binet who developed an intelligence test that assesses only instrumental rationality based on only two human capabilities: logical-mathematical and verbal.
He speaks after Howard Gardner who developed a vision of the intelligence which covered more than human, which he called "Theory of Multiple Intelligences," conceptualizing: logical-mathematical. Linguistic, musical, bodily, spatial, interpersonal, and intrapersonal, considering the seven equally important and that any human being can cultivate those. Despite isolated inputs, the structure of the school still retains the characteristics of the school of the eighteenth century, derived from the paradigm of the seventeenth century, a reductionist, positivist, materialist, and so on., For each author presents his vision and how isolated, unable to focus the whole human being, it's not just behavior, or intelligence alone, or just emotions, but that and more, is integrated into your Being The result, as it says in his book, holistic education, is the formation of humans with low level of consciousness, absorbed by hedonism and nihilism characteristic of modernity and postmodernity, and unable to realize the true meaning of life, among so much competition and materialism. (A valuable related resource: Ahmed Shahryar Rahman).