Capoeira In Kiev

A short introduction for those unfamiliar with kapueyroy. Kapueyra – Brazilian martial arts with dance and acrobatic elements. The word wrestling or martial arts here is not quite appropriate. Kapueyra – is a completely separate method of cultivation. Its not so easy to fit under the scope of the fight or dance. At training you will learn excellent command of her body, feel the rhythm of music, moving in rhythm with the music and opponent.

What is "kind" in kapueyre? Skill kapueristov manifested in kind. Roda de capoeira – a play fight two kapueristov running in a circle to the accompaniment of musical instruments and singing. The purpose of childbirth – not to beat or defeat an opponent, and create a game. People in the genus are not against each other, but for most births, so it was spectacular and beautiful. As the game progresses, they demonstrate their skills and advantages over the enemy.

Competition element is present, but, as if in jest. The purpose of shock and tricks – not to hit the opponent, and put him in an awkward position from which he, in turn, must be nice to go out, creating an interesting game for the spectators. As a rule, labor proximity. But there is a rigid version of the game joga dura – a game for experienced players, close to the real battle with real strokes and speed. In general, the exercise kapueyra not comparable with the salsa. I came to kapueyru after the dance, so I spend such a parallel.