During pregnancy, you can counteract an Damm crack at birth with gentle massage of the dam. Pregnancy is a special challenge for a woman’s body. Especially the dam is extremely stretched at birth. Cracks or even necessary cuts during childbirth are not uncommon. You can never completely exclude although this during a natural birth, but the use of insulating oil makes the risk that there during the birth to the dam crack or cut is less. Even if you can in General not early start enough with the preparation for the birth, so one should take time with the dam-oil massage.
Rule 4 is 5 months before the birth started with the regular use of insulating oil. The massage to promote blood circulation of the region of the dam, loosen the fabric and dehnbarer make. Too early to start this can be harmful, so one should wait until the 5th month with this application. But then applies: only regularly carried can its insulating oil Effect. In the most insulating oils, wheat germ and almond oil are included.
It is important that the insulation works also anti-inflammatory and tissue loosing oil. However should be abandoned insulating oils, perfumes have been added, in which for the fragrance. Preservatives, also should not be included. Most manufacturers use essential oils, which also have a skin-soothing or slightly disinfectant effect. In most cases, it is recommended that not to use insulation oil before the 34th week of pregnancy. But then you should apply every day it until birth. 5 minutes in the dam region is, massaged the oil at room temperature. The oil provides, together with the massage for a better blood circulation in this area of the body and makes the perineum stretch. Hiking by Melanie