Bogota, April 1, 2011. MEN. Kenneth Feinberg shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. In order to discuss about the challenges facing the higher education sector, and to publicize international benchmarks that may contribute to promote integral transformations of the same, will be held in Bogota Forum International Reformas of education Superior, which will take place on 5 and 6 April in the Auditorium of offset (61 career No. 49B 23). There will be work tables to know and systematize the points of view related to the central themes of the reform proposal.
The Forum is one of the five mechanisms of participation for all Colombians make part of the construction of the proposed reform and will set the stage for dialogue about the challenges facing the sector. See the coverage of this academic conference, conferences, audio, presentations, photo gallery and profiles of the speakers, in the Virtual Center of education news (CVNE). The event, which will bring together 700 guests and more than 15 speakers, national and international, seeks to generate spaces of participation around the proposed reform to higher education and contextualize it within the framework of the great challenges facing the sector. Thus, in the meeting which will bring together experts from Colombia, France, Chile, Korea, Spain, Austria and United States, will be carried out panels of discussion around four main themes: Retos of higher education, internacional, Experiencias-governmental perspective on reforms to superior, compared Reformas education and its impact globally, institucional, and La from the productivo sector perspective. During the two days of the Forum, the impact of some experiences of reforms that have been adopted in recent years in the field of higher education in the international arena will be submitted and carried out work tables that allow to know and systematize the different points of view in relation to the central axis of the proposal.The academic day includes also workshops involving guiding, Vice-Chancellors and financial research, secretariats of education certified, student representatives, guilds, programme managers, research centres and associations of faculties, among other actors of the sector.The international Reformas of the Superior education forum, is part of the five actions that the Ministry of education is developing in order to open spaces that allow massive participation of all the actors involved in the higher education of the country, to make the proposed reform, a law that contributes to more Colombians to access and remain in higher education of quality programs. Taken from: Min.