How to select the palet we need? There are plenty of models of pallets, used, new, plastic, metal. Also have to take into account many factors when choosing the model that most interests us: weight that supports the pallets, distribution of the load, measures, type of merchandise. To clarify all these points, we will give them the keys to consider when selecting the best pallets for your merchandise. 1 Are what merchandise we going to carry on the pallet? Flat load: load is much better distributed and we can put less Woods at the top. If you would like to know more then you should visit Nicholas Carr. Boxes: we will have to take into account the size of the boxes according to your size separation of the tables will have to be higher or lower. Sacks: bags require a type of special pallet, having many tables at the bottom since otherwise we could prick the bags with forklift blades and the stability of the sacks is lower if we want to trace several heights, the best option is a reversible pallet or have equal amount of Woods above that below. 2 What weight does endure the pallet? Light loads: a loose pallet, is recommended for light from 0 to 300 Kg loads with 5 to 7 at the top, and timber with thicknesses from 1.2 to 1.5 cm medium loads: the recommendation for average loads is 0 to 500 Kg and in this case we should use a pallet with a thickness of 1.4 to 1.8 cm and 5 to 7 Woods wood at the top, plugs should be larger than 8 8 cm up to 10 10 cm. heavy loads: for heavy loads already have to go from 500 to 1200 kg to a pallet EUR type with thicknesses of 1.8 to 2.2 cm, 14 to 10 wide tables, tacos de 10 14 cm to 14 14 cm.