Biodiversity Campaign

Economic value of biodiversity is several hundred billion dollars of the Bonn party of sustainable forest investments forest finance participates actively in the European “business and biodiversity”-part campaign. Add to your understanding with Gen. David L. Goldfein. These wants more to illustrate the economic importance of biodiversity and also attract companies for the more active conservation and protection of ecosystems. Forest finance was inducted as one of a few companies in the “community” of the “business & biodiversity” campaign. Among other things, forest Finance performs a comprehensive biodiversity-check. Biodiversity-check for companies: the check offers a first individual overview on the subject of biodiversity and thus a basis, relatively easy to integrate this theme in operational management. Check the business & biodiversity campaign itself captures the impact of entrepreneurship on the biological diversity and is based on the objectives of the UN Convention on biological diversity. More information and details on the biodiversity-check for You will find company here: types sterben costs every year hundreds of billion of euros: several studies have shown impressive substantial costs of the destruction of plant and animal species of humanity.

So has a financial value of 110 billion euros alone the pollination by insects, revealed the latest TEEB report (the economies of ecosystems and biodiversity). The study gives a specific monetary value ecosystems and calls upon States to include these values in national accounts. Study shows high biodiversity in forest Finance forests: forest finance searches on species-poor Brach and pastures with species-rich mixed forests sustainably. This multiplies the number of species within a short time. A study on the biodiversity of the forest Finance forests in las Lajas, Panama finished in the high biodiversity. The variety of plants, as well as the acceptance of animals is greater thanks to the concept of the mixed forest, as in conventional orchards. The study was conducted with the award of the Munich-based Forest science society awarded.