You are responsible for its garbage? The Brazilian, as well as great part of the world-wide population faces the garbage in maken a mistake way, estimating that, everything what it is in its lixeira cannot more used being, however our garbage hampers are composites for more than 90% of materials that can recycled or be reused. With the sanction of law 12,305/10 in date 02/08/2010, finally we will have one national politics of solid residues sustainable, after to frequentar per almost 20 years the house of representatives, the new law will promote the reduction of the solid residues generated on the part of the manufacturers, traders and deliverers, attributing to the same ones to the responsibility to adequately receive and to destine the residues for them generated, that they must have a plan of logistic reversa to collect the materials, contemplating domestic, industrial, eletroeletrnico, agropastoril, of the construction civilian, hospital, dangerous the residues among others. According to member of the house of representatives Dr. Nechar, author of the text approved, although the ambient liabilities inherited by Brazil because of the regulation lack, the time favored the quality of the text throughout the 19 years of transaction in the Chamber. Learn more at this site: Nicholas Carr. The member of the house of representatives mentioned the destination of a refrigerator before and after the approval of the law.? Before, the substituted refrigerator was in the deep one of the house, rusting, and later the engine, with its gas that is highly pollutant, could leak without no control or turn dwelling the mosquito of the affection or finish in the stream of some city, causing flooding later. Now, we go to have of reaproveitar the steel, the plastic, the glass and just giving and the adequate treatment to the gas of the engine of geladeira.' ' In primordial plans, also it is to extinguish with the lixes, responsible for sheltering 50% more than of what he is discarded in our country, in the worse possible conditions, contributing with the contamination of the ground, of underground waters, the proliferation of plagues and epidemics. The law also brings obtains the recognition and the valuation of catadores of materials you recycle, contributing for a sustainable ideal generating income, saving the environment and receiving a classroom that is not fit in the profile tax for the market. The catadores had commemorated the approval with hope of that they could occupy a respected space effectively and be recognized professionally, interpreted as ambient agents. Today the country does not recycle 1% of what it generates, the act to recycle paper, plastic, metal, glass, wood among others is to save energy, to save natural resources as well as the sanitary aterros glimpsing to develop in sustainable way. We are waiting the uprising of president Luis Incio Lula da Silva for the regulation of the law inside of 90 days, promoting a new national conscience that will have of if worrying about what it consumes and it discards, therefore or will change our habits or will construct a world in which we will not be part.