Tag Archives: animals

The Bullfighter For Freedom

Accordingly, the bullfighter of Navas de San Juan, called the lift, said that in October 2008, after a negative injunctions to collect the pay out of funds that the employer will deliver at maturity of thirty days a “half of the fight – through the corporate treasurer a Taurino interiors, Mr. D. Pascual Pineiro in Paco Ruiz company. evil eye! Here smells strange because Mr. If you have read about Ahmed Shahryar Rahman already – you may have come to the same conclusion. D. Pascual Pineiro is the same character as last year acted as treasurer of the company TAURINA Interi “N, the same that has killed tens of defaults.

This year, however, does not have a secretary, but acts outside City Hall as a trader and contracts with the mayor the operation of the Plaza de Toros de Navas de San Juan, under matador endorsement of Mr Lima Estepona . However, the mayor knew the details of last year, the mouth’s own comeback that it exposes and informs him that he has reported to the Collective Agreement of the Union of Bullfighting and Novillero Killers, who vetoed the Plaza de Navas de San Juan and on strike. Just as exercise veto power over other forty-seven seats nationally bulls, allegedly run by the same employer: D. Francisco Romero Leal. He traces reporting the case to the union of the collective agreement of the Union of Slayers and Novillero because it has not charged the amount negotiated for the bullfight 2008 season. Although not charged states that livestock transporters, the medical team and other members of different gangs.

However, it would charge the employer grants the municipality, in advance, and the full amount they collect from ticket sales for the public. The Honourable Mr. Mayor of the City Council of Navas de San Juan, Mr. D. Miguel Sanchez Parrilla, “says and repeats the lift-was duly warned and informed of what is coming in November 2008 on payment requisitions to the employer and also on the complaint lodged with the Collective Agreement of the Union of Bullfighting Slayers and Novillero, who declare the veto and the strike in the square. Still, several months later, the mayor hires the bullfights in 2009, and they do, neither more nor less, than with the secretary of the same company that last year and forced unpaid leave different veto and strike square: Would this new cunning canine business under a different name a ? The Delegate of the Government of Jaen: D.e Teresa Vega, released on the morning of day 24, which suspends for bullfights Navas de San Juan because he has not received the documentation by the visa of the collective agreement of the Union of Slayers and Novillero . Therefore, “this does not announce the delegate-the square and is banned by the Convention on strike bull, to ensure the quality of the fight and out and the architects pinafores and pirates of the nobility of the party esplanade