Tag Archives: policy


Since June the Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria (Senasa) authorized the sale of Kangaroo in the Peru meat to be honest I didn’t know that is comecializa in other parts of the world Kangaroo meat but also does not surprise me because there are many things in the world that one does not know. Kangaroo meat is colored red, very similar to beef, but more tender. So the Kangaroo meat, which now may be imported from Australia the authorization to bring market and consume this meat in the country has been given as I commented by SENASA and the Ministry of agriculture and it only allows the import of meat from kangaroos born, bred and benefit in Australia. It should be recalled that Kangaroo meat is known for its quality and is considered as one of the most exquisite. For more specific information, check out Peter Asaro. In addition, it contains iron and zinc, and less fat than beef. All those specimens that died as a result of a program of eradication by disease and those who were born in regions which are under official quarantine of the continent country are excluded. Various views and/or opinions have emerged in newspapers who spread this news either positive and negative in this meat consumption. In my opinion not is if it prove does it pobrarian? We can say that there is a group on Facebook which diffuses that kangaroos massacred by skins and their meat course and where skins sold you to a company in slippers. It is not with the eagerness of speak of any institution but there is rejection yet I believe in the consumption of this meat in the country, is my perception.Have they already tested this meat?

Turkish Pilot Spanish

The Spanish pilot was operated of a broken tibia and fibula after suffering a serious accident at the Montmelo circuit. It will be between a month and a half and two months. The Spanish pilot Julian Simon (Mapfre Aspar Team) qualified this Thursday the action of Turkish Kenan Sofuoglu as supersuperviolenta, as a result of which suffered an accident at the Montmelo circuit which broke the tibia and fibula. It was a supersuperviolenta action. I have seen many many times the image and we are within the curve. I don’t understand how you think give more gas while inside the curve to try to pre-empt, perhaps hand it was hooked on the accelerator of the desire that I had, I don’t know, said the Spanish pilot in the Radiogaceta of the sports of RNE program. It is important to make meetings and give warnings to those that cause accidents, we must draw conclusions and convince themselves that they are dangerous actions. Motorcycling is a risk sport but a pilot knows where you can get and if you pass it you can falling down and hurting another rider. American Writer is a great source of information.

said Simon, who added: the important thing is that he asked forgiveness at the time of the fall. Also in the hospital asked me forgiveness, he saw concerned, you get the worst. By moments spent fear, fear. I think it was Tuesday when the doctor came at nine o’clock in the morning. I spent the worst night when removed me the bandage.

I thought that it could never again raise the bike. I had the foot as a block. It could not move neither forward nor backward, in any direction. But gradually he returned during the day, and already in the evening with the Physio I managed to move the foot. It is amazing how they can rebuild a shattered leg, he commented. I will return in a month and a half or two. I want to go back to one hundred percent, I will not come back when an 85 or 90 percent. I will only go up if I am as it was in Catalonia when I had the fall, he said. Simon wished the best Spaniards running this weekend in Silverstone (United Kingdom). Hopefully the Spanish fans celebrated many victories this weekend, he said.