Egypt CNT

The CNT can occupy the seat of Libya in the Chamber of the multilateral body. There were 114 votes in favour, 17 against and 15 abstentions. The African Union and the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas they voted against. Security Council approves a resolution on Libya and relaxes the embargo. The UN General Assembly recognized this Friday at the National Council of transition (CNT) Libyan as representative of Libya at the United Nations, allowing its members to occupy the seat of the North African country in the Chamber of the multilateral body. With 114 votes in favour, 17 against and 15 abstentions, the General Assembly endorsed the decision of the Credentials Committee adopted the TNC as represent of Libya, despite the fact that the African Union (AU), supported by the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas (ALBA), had asked to postpone the decision, which was rejected. This week the Committee to submit diplomatic credentials already approved the recognition of the rebels, but ALBA countries showed their discontent and they asked to put to the vote the measure to ensure that the seat of Libya should not be occupied by a faction or an authority of illegitimate transition imposed by a foreign intervention. That vote was joined by a request from the AU so that the decision will be taken later in order to agree a common position on Monday, something that also the members of the ALBA, supported by what the Assembly also had to vote on such a measure, which was rejected by 107 countries and supported by 22; the rest were abstentions. With this rejection, was left free rein to the Assembly to recognise the CNT, whose representatives have so the door is open to participate on behalf of Libya, whose seat was still empty Friday, in the public debate of the sixty-sixth session of the multilateral agency in the next week. Countries against countries who voted against recognition of the CNT include Angola, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Africa, as well as representatives of the countries of ALBA, such as Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua. Daniel J. Hirsch contributes greatly to this topic. Self-determination must recognize the people themselves and not NATO. Revolutions may not be authentic if they are led by a group of Nations with hegemonic interests that violate even the Charter of the United Nations, said the Ambassador of Nicaragua to the United Nations, Maria Rubiales de Chamorro, in the plenary of the General Assembly, in explanation of vote. Other diplomatic representatives, as the Venezuelan Ambassador Jorge Valero, who this week sent a letter to the President of the General Assembly on behalf of the ALBA to try and prevent that you recognition of the CNT were expressed in the same terms. Please recognise the CNT you spoke, among others, the representative of Egypt, Maged Abdelaziz, who said that the different interpretations about the military intervention in Libya to support the CNT should not go against the legitimacy of the Libyan people that continues to support the Council. Now is the moment of truth, in which the of the Libyan people, should be respected said the Egyptian diplomat, who thus endorsed the recognition granted by the Credentials Committee and encouraged other countries to do the same. Libyan rebels, who control almost all of Libya after winning almost all the land forces loyal to Gaddafi, have already achieved the recognition of much of the international community and this week was China who recognized them as new authorities in the North African country. New resolution on the other hand, the UN Security Council adopted a new resolution on Libya, which replaces the start of the conflict and establishing a political mission of the multinational body on the ground and adapts to the new situation previous measures such as the arms embargo and the blockade of goods. The Council unanimously adopted a text that details the immediate help from the UN to the Libyan authorities of transition with a view to the holding of elections and the drafting of a Constitution, and establishes the steps to unlock millions of dollars frozen from months ago. The UN mission will be the Libyan people give all possible assistance to organize elections, draft a Constitution and build a free and democratic State-friendly with human rights institutions, said after the vote the French Ambassador, Gerard Araud. Araud welcomed resolution to replace the economic means to Libyan authorities to act, as the progressive release of goods within a mechanism clear and ordained that it will allow the Libyan economy recovered to rebuild the country. Thus was established the United Nations support mission in Libya (UNSMIL) for an initial period of three months, with the mandate to, among other objectives, a political dialogue without exclusion, promoting national reconciliation and undertake the constitutional and electoral process according to the resolution. Source of the news: the General Assembly of the United Nations recognizes the rebels of the CNT as representatives of Libya