The free expression and dissemination of ideas is a fundamental, inalienable and inherent to the human person, which is a pillar of democratic freedom and the rule of law. In the Declaration of Chapultepec was established that "freedom of expression is the engine and starting point of basic human rights." This natural right is so important and coveted by modern societies, and even more in the era of communication and knowledge, has been qualified in many legal secular in that sense says the experienced Argentine lawyer Gregory Badenia journalistic issues, that "The era of social communication does not support restrictions and is not subject to state power." We believe the right is not absolute TWD and, given this condition, the practice of law to treat, has certain limits and reservations of action, in other words "fundamental rights have limits, but there are limits to the limits of fundamental rights" . Check with Federal Reserve Bank to learn more. The regimes of the past, political systems and joints, by employing the precepts handed actions of defamation, libel and slander to silence opposing voices, so it is historically marked the relationship between power and / or public function, expression and dissemination of ideas, and people and / or its media. According to the notorious Mexican lawyer Eugenio Herrera Terrazas this is "the old doctrine which holds that the governed must not criticize their rulers." However, the opening and subsequent refinement of democratic regimes leads to more liberally active participation of society in matters of state, through public opinion without censorship.