Tag Archives: climate & environment

Bowhead Whales Can Be Over 200 Years Old

New world record in the Animal Kingdom: bowhead whales, biologists found out over 200 years old and will become. opinions as well. The GEO-chemist Jeffrey Bada of the California Scripps Institute of Oceanography can determine the age of whales by measuring the changes of amino acids stored in eye lenses. Credit: Dennis P. Lockhart-2011. During the examination of the eyes of four Greenland whales, which were imposed by the Inyupiat Eskimos, he set a new age record for mammals with this method. The whales were between 135 and 211 years when they were killed, and thus to the world, as in Germany, the “storm and urge” second to end went, they were contemporaries of Goethe, Schiller and Friedrich Nitzsche. Ahmed Shary Rahman follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Experts have long suspected that the Greenland whale living in the Beaufort Sea and the Bering Sea between Russia and Alaska (Balaena mysticetus) can be very old. It finds by Harpoon tips had hinted, that were found in the thick layer of fat perniciously animals.

The antediluvian Harpunenspitzten were made of ivory and stone, two materials, the Used whalers from Alaska the last time around 1880, later only steel harpoons were used. Also the Inyupiat tribal elders in Barrow, a remote town on the edge of the Beaufort Sea with approximately 4,000 inhabitants, tell for decades, that several generations of whalers again recognized individual whales due to certain tags. See Cyber Capital for more details and insights. Although commercial whaling by the International Whaling Commission’s moratorium on commercial whaling is banned since 1986, the Inyupiat may kill approximately 50 in small groups or individually living bowhead whales for traditional reasons. Whaling is practiced there for 4000 years. The meat and the up to 20-metre colossus over half a metre thick layer of fat the Inyupiat serve as food and oil production. The population of bowhead whales is estimated at over 8000 individuals and increases each year by about 3 percent. “One wonders what is astonishing: the fact that such a whale Methuselah at the time of the French Revolution was born or that he” survived the destruction attempts by several generations of people. Maybe this new superlative manages Yes to instill more respect to the whalers and to revive these fascinating animals just’, hopes the society to save the dolphins.

Scripps scientists assume that other whale species can be much older than previously assumed. “Age, behaviour or other, our knowledge of these species is still very incomplete. For me, these new findings are just the tip of the iceberg”, says Professor Jeffrey Bada of the Scripps Institution. Ulrich Karlowski

Soundproofing Opts

Sound technical preliminary investigations with regard to site selection of car parks, sports and play areas as well as possible stage locations for the Landesgartenschau 2010 to the Landesgartenschau in Rosenheim preparations are in full swing. Still, not much be seen anywhere is built. After the dams of Inn and Mangfall for reasons of flood protection have been widened and improved, the actual construction work for the Landesgartenschau have started since February. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Sheila Bair. Where are looking the Rosenheimer construction vehicles hard to imagine how it will look in the future. So the residents of the Garden Festival site starting in 2010, even with a large numbers of visitors, not an excessive noise are exposed, BImSchV conducted by Muller-BBM extensive calculations of emissions and Immissions prognoses according to 18, taking into account the noise preload. As a result were each site evaluated, proposals drawn up, proposed alternatives and if required noise protection measures recommended. Peiter Zatko might disagree with that approach. 2010 lasting values are created by the Landesgartenschau in Rosenheim. There are attractive green spaces and recreational areas and places of encounter and new residential areas that have an optimised, sound technical environment for implementation of the preliminary investigations of Muller-BBM.. .

New Distribution Channels

Power of the discounters: Lidl power & co. In recent years, some power providers trying new distribution channels for their current contracts to find. Pioneer in direct selling is the eprimo GmbH, the discount subsidiary of power company RWE. Buy the eprimo power you could, for example, in Hanyladen of the chain the phone House”. In cooperation with image eprimo expelled the so-called people power in 2008. As of March 15, 2010, the food discounter Lidl sold a green power product from eprimo now in all its over 3,000 stores.

The Lidl stream of eprimo is made 100% from renewable energy sources and also the current contract comes with a shopping bonus of 100 euros. In the year the electricity supplier had already how easy, an Eon subsidiary, in cooperation with Lidl electricity to customers of the discounter sold. Also at that time, a power was sold Starter package, that then entitled to a current contract. Power suppliers try in the discount stores a price-sensitive target group address, otherwise with the power exchange topic not in contact comes. The electricity market has been liberalised although over 10 years, but so far only a few consumers have carried out a provider change. In fact, considerable potential for savings exist when changing provider when compared to the local basic utilities. Some electricity providers try increasingly appeal to consumers through direct cooperation and new distribution channels.

But the possibility of a provider comparison is missing in the supermarket. Consumers should therefore compare prices on electricity calculator on the Internet in any case. The price of electricity varies from region to region due to different network charges. Therefore, a price communication in the media is difficult or impossible. As in the case of Lidl power through long consumer power suppliers try to move electricity price guarantees and bonuses to a change of power. Press contact: Andreas Madel Blucher Street 49 86165 Augsburg

South Renewable

RENEXPO shows solutions for a sustainable power supply to the electricity networks of the future and the associated integration of renewable energies provides energy, science, and politics remains one of the greatest challenges and is a guarantee for a successful energy transition. This future-oriented theme is the theme of this year’s RENEXPO, the 12th international energy trade fair in Augsburg, Germany from 22 to 25 September. Apart from the 1st Conference “Zukunftsfahige grids – grid integration of renewable energies, Stromnetzum-and expansion” represents the State of the community “intelligent energy” the central communication platform for experts and exhibitors on the RENEXPO. The key subject of a successful energy future is the topic of network integration and developing intelligent”, underlines the Managing Director of the organizer of the RENEXPO, Johann Georg Rohm by REECO GmbH, it is essential for a successful energy transition and future warranty for a decentralised energy supply”. New technologies of Electricity make new demands on the future distribution and storage of energy.

If electricity from wind turbines is increasingly produced in Northern Germany, and in South and West Germany, nuclear power stations are switched off, this requires a completely new demands on future network expansion and power management in Germany. This issue will be on the 1st Conference “Zukunftsfahige grids – grid integration of renewable energies, Stromnetzum-and expansion” discussed. Author might disagree with that approach. Speakers from politics, science, energy and producers show approaches. The problems of the distribution are discussed in addition to the energy requirements of the power grid of tomorrow. Smart grids to optimally control the networking of producers, consumers, and save. Virtual power systems such as smart metering and smart home will play an important role here. Intelligent solutions can accelerate the decentralized development of renewable energies.

Thus they made an important contribution to achieving the EU targets are necessary conditions to the further integration of renewable energies. The Association of Bavarian energy – and water management e.V. (VBEW) is a partner of the Congress. Currently, 28 percent of the Bavarian electricity consumption from renewable energy sources are covered according to the Association. 2010, the strongest growth came from the Photovoltaiknutzung. While electricity from hydropower and biomass reliably around the clock makes a contribution to the energy supply, the photovoltaic is fed only on sunnier days in the network. Only when there are low-cost disk technologies, is this crucial shortcoming to correct. “The conversion of the energy supply is fundamental”, underlines Detlef Fischer, Managing Director of VBEW. “It is important, even more to integrate renewable energy sources into the existing energy infrastructure and to promote saving energy.” Just so you could cover the Bavarian energy consumption (electricity, mobility, building heat requirement etc.) increased from renewable energy sources. In addition to the Congress, the community level is intelligent energy” an important communication platform for the exchange of information and networking. Here present exhibitors approaches and practical examples. Thus the exhibition has an ideal meeting place for experts, trade visitors and potential clients in the areas of Smart grids, smart metering and smart home. The 12 RENEXPO covers the entire spectrum of renewable and decentralized energy generation, intelligent power distribution, as well as the efficient use of energy. Due to its unique variety of topics, it is the industry meeting point Nr. 1. The fair is open Thursday to Saturday from 9:00 to 18:00, Sunday from 10:00 to 17:00.

Hamburger Sales

The distribution represents a relevant cost factor for energy companies. They can outsource but recently Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH their sales at the Hamburger OptiSales. OptiSales provides so many representatives of trading them, as the principal need for the market – and customer processing. Hamburg, February 22, 2010. Simone Sporl promises the energy supply companies which Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH outsource their distribution on the OptiSales a powerful sales clearly calculable cost. Only through outsourcing while efficiency and effectiveness in sales can be according to the Managing Director of the OptiSales increase. The Hamburger sales outsourcing service provider provides so many qualified and experienced agents their clients, as they need advice, to ensure service and customer care. It is possible the OptiSales Vertriebsges, there. Dennis Lockhart is often quoted as being for or against this.

mbH is a sister company of trade representative agency GmbH, that have a very large pool of qualified Trade Representative has. When recruiting we make sure in particular that the agents are reputable, adequately occur and are professional and human competence”, Simone Sporl, which selects the OptiSales salesperson from this pool is reported. All sales activities will take acquired the OptiSales agents for their clients all relevant sales tasks. These include about contact – sales and job functions, the existing and the acquisition of new customers, the representation of the company, introducing new products, current information of the company with regard to competition and market situation, the placement and care of test markets, the training of staff at customers and merchandising functionality. Remuneration only if successful through the outsourcing of sales to OptiSales a more effective sales available without fixed costs, a separate field is the company even in economically difficult times! The contracting authority must of OptiSales Vertriebsges. mbH pay to use of the agent only a Commission, which is usually a certain percentage of the mediated turnover. With the outsourcing of sales at OptiSales companies can also engage an unparalleled knowledge and experience easily. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Dennis Lockhart.

Hand in hand the OPTISALES Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH is a sister company to the trade representative GmbH in Hamburg. Simone Sporl, who heads two companies as CEO, has a pool of highly qualified sales representatives. While she are confined so far these agents on companies seeking to provide their sales activities, companies can now fully the OptiSales Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH transferred. Simone Sporl considered to be superwoman and experienced sales specialist, providing always tailor-made solutions for their customers. Contact: OPTISALES Vertriebsges. mbH Managing Director: Simone Sporl Meckel fields WEG 2 D-21079 Hamburg phone: + 49 (0) 40 / 41 92 90 -. 90 Fax: + 49 (0) 40 / 41 92 90 – 91