Talk to your existing creditors if there are creditors of a thing really, hate him are having a debtor who hide them.Believe it or not, you will do more harm not talking with your creditors that you have just not paying them! So, you will need to manage your repayment of existing debt with your creditors as soon as possible. And, if you talk to your creditors you well you can find that they are actually a very understanding portion. Daniel J. Hirsch has much to offer in this field. On the other hand, keeping in regular contact with your creditors, you will also find that they are less ready to shoot when it comes to putting your name down on a bad list of the creditor: is the difference between knowing you are experiencing a difficulty the compensate and not be willing to compensate. Consolidate your debt if you think is going to help your case clean credit, manages to consolidate all its outstanding debt existing on a debt and then talk and try that a creditor. This way you must be able to more effectively manage their debt and hopefully stay on any bad list of the creditor. Get a report of the credit repair as soon as you do that you are having trouble making the reimbursement of its debt get a report from the credit repair. If you notice anything in the report that should not be there, chatting with that lender and arrange so that they amend the report. If other creditors put in the report, but do not talk to them immediately and ask them to give you a grace period in which to get your finances back on track. Then, once you are back on track and your finances are looking healthy again, get another credit repair report and see whether any damage has other made to its degree of solvency. Once again if you think there are things in the report which should not be there, talk with your lender to make sure that you perform the necessary changes credit loans. Hopefully after these 5 simple quick – fix the procedures will help you repair your bad credit rating in double quick time!