Tag Archives: construction of life

Corrugated Roofing

Roof decking – a group of profiled sheet steel material that can withstand much more significant loads than sheets of corrugated wall. At the height of the roof sheeting profiles are not should be less than 20mm, it is through profiles (trapezoidal shape or a wave), the material receives the necessary level of rigidity. The name defines the basic scope of the corrugated board – an organization of roofing. Roof decking is used for flat or pitched roofs, with small buildings and based on steel, and large industrial facilities. If you would like to know more about Dennis P. Lockhart, then click here. Stiffness of the material does not give it to sag over the life use. The group of roof sheeting include profnasil with markings C21, C44, NS35, P35, MP20, N60.

The height of the corrugation (profiles) – more than 20 mm. Besides them, give additional rigidity ribs available, along crimp on them. Stiffeners can significantly increase the mechanical load on the roof decking. As a roofing material, corrugated board should provide not only strength but also a reliable waterproofing. Roofing performed with the use of profiled steel sheets to meet these requirements. Firstly, the protection of steel sheet attached to the zinc layer. Second, the polymer coating. On the polymer coatings should be discussed separately.

They are made of modern types of polymers, steel sheet protected on both sides of corrosion, scratches and damages of any kind. Polyester cover most economical, but are sufficiently reliable. It can be shiny or matte, color options set. Coverage of the Puranas – the most durable, it is difficult to scratch even on purpose. It is better than all the other fuses the steel from rusting, so roofing materials with puralovym coating are recommended for areas with a wet rainy climate. Plastizolovye coverage – the most decorative, their surface can be expressed by the structure. In addition, plastisol – the most durable. Application various polymer coatings for roofing decks increases its service life to 50-55 years or more. But the so-called roof decking – is not only reliable and inexpensive device roofs. The material used in all areas of industrial construction. From it quickly and efficiently assemble the walls of workshops, small pavilions completely different sheds, sheds, fences – both temporary and long-term facilities. High reliability, durability and high quality corrugated roofing made of Application economically viable in many different areas.

Pushkin Garden

Creepers beautifully climb on the rocks and the jet between them, flowing with the retaining walls. rokariyNekotorye plants have evergreen foliage, which adorns the rocky garden after the snow. Plants with silvery-gray foliage effectively set off the greens and bright colors. Seamlessly incorporated into the composition and multi-colored variegated leaves zhivuchki, undersized catchment with delicate leaves. Narrow-leaved fescue smooth rock garden adds to the blues, and stunted forms geyhera purple carpet. Indispensable 'classic' inhabitants alpine slides – edelweiss and gentian undersized.

Shade plants, such as Ramond, sangvinariya pechenochnitsa and placed under cover rocks or bushes. For early spring bloom in rockeries planted miniature bulb and corm plants: kandyk, vesennik, Scylla, hionodoksy, snowdrops, muscari, hohlatki, crocuses, Pushkin, ptitsemlechniki, low-growing tulips and daffodils. At the end of the season rockeries decorate autumn crocus and cyclamen, colchicum. Range rockeries not limited to herbaceous perennials. Look great among the rocks and stunted shrubs deciduous shrubs, dwarf conifers. Planted singly in various places instances of slow-growing form beautiful accents, avoiding monotony of the composition. For even more opinions, read materials from Erin Callan.

When selecting woody plants for rockeries should provide their final dimensions. Adorn the rocky garden volchnik, small species of willows, Japanese maples, cotoneaster, broom, barberry, rhododendron, mountain pine pyramidal and creeping junipers, arborvitae, spruce, cypress and many other plants. Some compact annuals are also good in rockeries: graceful and lobelia diastsiya, limnantes and mezembriantemum here is quite appropriate. Options for placement of plants in rockeries myriad – most importantly, that the resulting landscape is always pleased the eye, looked beautiful and natural, without too much variegation.


By choosing the color of sandwich panels should be approached seriously, because to change it after installation products will be impossible. The most reliable would be to use the services of a professional designer, who already has experience in this area and knows all the advantages and disadvantages of different color schemes. Thus, For example, warm colors enhance the mood, helping to cheer up, promote better health. However, their bright versions (orange, yellow, red) visually reduce the space, so in small spaces better to use the lighter shades of warm colors. Cool colors (blue, blue, green) are the people comforting.

In addition, they are visually enlarge the room and creates an effect of coolness and freshness. Such appropriate colors for trim and beach cottages and most often used in hot climates. When choosing a cover of sandwich panels for construction of offices, chain stores or other facilities should be considered corporate colors. They contribute to the "recognition" of buildings on either side, even with that, where there are no signs. However, if the corporate form of color is too bright and contrasting combination, it is better to focus on one main shade, choosing one for decoration. In addition to the color manufacturers of sandwich panels and offer consumers several options for texture processing. Since the product can be smooth, rough, with simulated image of wood, plaster, stone. Textured finish is not only beautiful but also durable: a dense coating resists moisture better, extremes of temperature, mechanical stress.

Ordering Prefabricated buildings made of sandwich panels, users can choose different colors for decoration of external and internal sides, which also extends the implementation of interior design. Well, if the color of the coating is not too principled (such as the construction of warehouses, huts, shelter), better pay attention to the standard colors offered by the manufacturer. Usually they happen at least six, so the probability that at least one of They will satisfy your needs, great. Selecting the panel of standard colors, you'll save time, because in the preparation of paint, its delivery and drawing on the product manufacturer may take up to 2 months. And yet, If the owner of the future building is important that its design is strictly in line with a certain style, he can be sure that his wishes will be fulfilled.

Zoning Office Space

The past economic crisis has demonstrated that one can not produce a quality product, skim the cream off profits and simultaneously expanding production. To survive in the market with such high competition, you need something more. Must be responsive to market changes. Looking for innovation. Company manufacturing and installation of office partitions and furniture “Okie docks has proved that the crisis has opened a second wind business. It would seem that this can be come in both mobile and fixed partitions for office? Comply with the latest trends and fashion in shape, develop new modifications of glass partitions? Of course, it’s important moments of enterprise development, but they are likely to relate to design decisions, whose popularity depends solely on whether the new form will have to taste to most consumers. Jeff Flake is often quoted on this topic. Innovation same – innovations with qualitative changes of the product. As the experience of “Okie docks, successful innovation can reduce production costs, improve product quality and significantly increase its competitive ability.

Introduction of innovations associated with certain degree of risk. Assess in advance the success of innovations is difficult. Will it be demanded by consumers or go unnoticed? Will begin immediately to produce results, or the effect will manifest itself in a few years? But Each development requires time, human resources and, finally, considerable financial investment. Begin to innovate in a crisis, at first glance, it seems madness. But these steps have resulted in “Okie Dokie” is not only hold positions in the market, but also to win new ones. The company offers more affordable prices for the products, the quality of the partitions and furniture has grown! Attention to detail at every stage of production, work with client before until he is fully satisfied with the result – that’s the basic rule that brought the success of “Okie docks. For the consumer, the result is important – office partitions and furniture of high quality and at affordable prices. For all these worth a lot of work: improvement of resource-saving technologies, new methods of processing, preparation of raw materials. As a result of significantly lower production costs and selling goods. Uniqueness D “Okie docks in that they help optimize the overall work of the thousands of offices across the country, to get the maximum benefit from a small area and keep healthy and beautiful state of the people.

Italian Sofa

It's no secret that the Italian furniture – a sign of high status and good taste. Choosing a modular sofas from Italy, to be sure – each of them is made in accordance with the latest fashion trends, it is this producing country around the world dictate new forms of furniture. Italian sofas – exclusive works of fashion designers. Cooperation with the professionals in the field of design makes Italian sofas comfortable design approach – attractive, elegant, up to date. Agree, upholstered furniture, constricted unusual fabrics, upholstered with a combination of different materials will have greater success. To create a unique design of Italian sofas work famous designers – their names have long ears on the world's furniture fashion. Among them, Philippe Starck, Zaha Hadid, Ron Arad, Piero Lissoni, Jean-Marie Massaud … Salone del Mobile in Milan: the new fashion trends in the design of upholstered furniture.

Every year, Milan is the most significant event in the world of design, design and sale of furniture – Salone del Mobile. In this exhibition to show off their work with architects and designers are world famous. It event is important for manufacturers and distributors of upholstered furniture: modular sofas, armchairs and much more – it was on the Salone del Mobile in Italy determined fashion trends for the coming year. Those sofas that are shown on exhibition in Italy, many factories are choosing role models. Italian sofas: still a classic.

Many of us are accustomed to associate with designer Italian sofas innovations, extravagance, eccentricity of contemporary styles – modern, hi-tech, avant-garde. However, this furniture – not just modular sofas contemporary performance. Classic Italian sofas are no less popular popular: because nothing else will be able to emphasize the high status and good taste as exquisite upholstered furniture, made by all the canons of contemporary style forever. And the assertion that Italian sofas are a design innovations, bypassing a proven truths of classical style – nothing but a myth.


Today, almost every house, almost every kitchen, as well as virtually every office you can see this in the household appliance needed for cooking and heating food. He has become so commonplace that many people do not think, that there were times when the subject of kitchen interior was simply exotic. Invented, he was in the middle of last century, but it took decades before it has become firmly established in our everyday life. Jeff Sessions is open to suggestions. How it works is simple but above this ease of engineers, scientists, inventors worked for a long time. Microwave oven is unthinkable without electricity – that's how it works: to transform the energy of electric current into heat by creating a so-called radiation microwaves. This means that the frequency of exceeding the one which passed through conventional radio. The experiments in this field have led to what has been the phenomenon of heating of the material, consisting of polarized molecules under the influence of high-frequency waves.

Easily change direction of the electric field gradient causes the polarized molecules that are beginning to heat up due to friction that arises in connection with reorientation of molecules in a changing field. This is the physics of the process that occurs when you want to heat up food in your microwave. The peculiarity of his that just polarized molecules are heated, the unpolarized molecules changing electric field heating effects will not help. So chop on the porcelain plate is heated, the plate itself as well – no. But if you put a metal bowl that will high-frequency response that will lead to inevitable failure, as well as the need to repair microwave.

Chicken is heated due to the fact that it has a water – a substance consisting of electrically polarized molecules. Only by the presence of water in foods can be warmed by microwave waves. Oven-dry product, consisting only of non-polarized molecules, is heated in the oven of your will not. It was only thanks to that water is present in almost all foods, they can be heated in a microwave oven. The main component of any microwave oven – a magnetron, which just ensures the generation of the above microwave waves. Microwave housing protects us from excessive exposure. It was also invented a rotating device that provides uniform heating of food. Types of microwave ovens, there is a great set, but the above features are common to all. Today, virtually replacing the conventional microwave oven gas and electric stoves, the volume of their sales are comparable. And, of course, every woman will prefer warm foods in the oven, rather than using conventional heating methods, such as on a griddle. First, it is faster, and secondly, and most importantly, evenly heated throughout the volume, in contrast to traditional methods heating food in which the heat comes from the inside surface of the product. That's the advantage of uniform heating of food in the entire volume of microwave ovens has provided such a high popularity.

Google Earth Program

The abrupt declivities of the river being higher of the side of Good Jesus of the Itabapoana, force waters if to espraiarem for the side of Good Jesus of the North. The biggest severity of floods in the end of the Quarter Side Line, is also justified for the presence of as meandro and for the proximity of the rocky bulk. We go to analyze the flood that occurred in 1906. At that time, with all the certainty, the Hidrogrfica Basin of the River Itabapoana still had an almost unbroken vegetation, what it takes in them to affirm that had little superficial draining (overflowed), the streets of the existing villages were not paved, being slow the draining of pluvial waters. They are situations that do not contribuam for an instantaneous increase of the puncture of full.

This still more strengthens our thesis of that the hidrogeogrficos accidents, that already existed at that time, had been and will continue being the main .causing agents of floods. These conclusive studies the one that we arrive, had had as support technician images of satellite of the Google Earth Program and, field comments. It so only remains to create us alternatives for our convivncia with future floods. The installation of a system of alert against flood is necessary and urgent for the transmission of information in real time to all the units of the Civil Defense. One is about a system of monitoramento with permanent information on the rain index and the level of the river. Thus, the population in a general way, could, of beforehand, if to program for a possible flood. A measure to be provided by the city hall, would be the acquisition of motorized boats to help people whom they were needing urgent atendimentos. At last, they are some ideas, but a bigger mobilization of the society good-jesuense is necessary to seriously argue this problem of our region, to be able to contribute for one better quality of life of our descendants.

Petersburg Construction Company

Petersburg Construction Company – an organization that offers consumers the erection of building structures and keeping a general contractor, and solid masonry work, roofing, painting and decorating. Every foundation slab and wall panels are set in the building, so construction of the building to be approached with caution. Our construction company provides general contracting, painting and decorating, assembly building structures on the most top class! Any general contractor of the construction should work with the subcontractors, to monitor the quality of construction works. Each base plate shall be installed in specific time frame depends on the final result as a whole. It was the general contractor of construction will be responsible to the customer for all violations that may occur during the construction of the building. In addition, general contractor of construction and will be responsible to the subcontractor for compliance by the customer on his part.

This means that the general contractor of construction needed in the construction of any building. Petersburg Construction Company professionally execute all necessary documents, clarify the cost of construction and installation works, will make the technical control of construction progress, provide technical support the design stage, will organize a proper level of management of construction site. We know exactly what the base plate, and some masonry walls can be used and under what conditions. Especially popular at present day use of monolithic, which offer great promise for the customer. Weight of the building will be smaller, which means that the base plate can be used more cheaply and easily. In addition, solid work – is soon as possible erection of a building, high structural strength. Builders claim that the monolithic works can be carried out throughout the year without loss of quality construction. But this is taking into account the fact that the works are on solid outdoors, and the use of antifreeze agents is mandatory.