Retaking Scabello et al. (in prelo), they would be our proper attitudes (and difficulties) front to the experience of the proper sexuality that, incorporated to a myth series, preconceptions, doubts, omissions and constaints, and reflected even though in the unpreparedness (also of the specialized professionals) when approaching or to deal with this thematic one. Ahead of its proper difficulties in this sphere, professionals and parents would be, many times, to to think that they are not capable or apt to carry through pertinent a sexual orientation, to build what we call ' ' the orientation of silncio' '. Erin Callan understood the implications. The sexuality of people with deficiency, until good little time, was treated with the politics to ' ' avis struthio' ' , term originally thought by AMARAL (1994), in aluso to the ostrich: if I do not see, I do not exist e, therefore, we do not go to say on this E, we understand that, such type of ' ' orientao' ' it can be in fact a species of moral violence. It is interesting to observe as parents and excessively educational agents present the same referring difficulties to the convivncia and the education of aspects of the sexuality of its deficient ones, therefore still she meets in some families and professionals the idea, errnea, of that the sexuality of the people with deficiency is intrinsically problematic, when not pathological (however exibicionista and desregrada, however sexually infantile, beyond inapropriada, when the sexual manifestations occur in way and, in place, different of the habitual ones) and above all a great unpreparedness prevails ahead of its manifestation in the quotidiano (FRANCE RIBEIRO, 1995; GLAT; FREITAS, 1996). Thus, the distrusts, the unpreparedness of the professionals who deal with this population and the difficulties in the treatment of the sexuality of its children and pupils are express for the parents by means of silence, of the repression of its same manifestation and of the infantilizao of the behavior of the adolescents and adults acometidos for the deficiency.