Tag Archives: the present time

Beginning Diet

. First, I want that you forget everything what it has happened until now. Olvdate of your previous experiences with the diets and forgets any gain weight that you have experimented recently. Olvidate of your swollen stomach or your hips and begins of zero. I know that this is easier to say the one than to do it, but is important that if you want to lose weight you return to take the control from your life. Secondly, you do not try to be all along trying to do one " diet perfecta". Nobody is perfect when it is to make diet and to lower of weight – neither I, nor your – nor nobody. Therefore it assumes that you will commit errors.

Perhaps the first week, or the first weekend happens, perhaps or perhaps you lose the control three weeks later in your free day. Perhaps you cannot realise not one minute of physical activity the fourth week. It does not matter. Why? Because when this happens you will begin again. And you will do possibly it well and reach your objectives, creme. More info: Marathon Oil. Third party, you do not hope to have a bad day or a bad week in your diet. However, it plans.

it assumes that all we commit errors and that it requires in tremendous effort and will to do it well of principle to aim. This is not to prepare itself for the failure, does not exist the failure, only results. Nevertheless, to prepararte you will exactly know what to do or how to recommence if something happens in your feeding or your routine of exercises. It plans, ten a plan of action for recuperarte and to begin to lower again of weight. Perhaps to call by telephone to a near friend who supports to you. Or it decides to take one long long walk.

Department Management

– ActiveX controls: in certain occasions, when we sailed by Internet, it appears to us a message that asks for our authorization to execute small programs in our own equipment, like requirement essential to be able to continue with our activity in the page Web in which we were. These programs come from the Web server to which we have acceded, but they are executed directly in the computer of the user, reason why the danger is clearly. – Unloading and execution of archives .exe: it can be obtained through techniques of social engineering, that is to say, through deceit of the user or the abuse of his confidence, affection, etc. – Instantaneous mail: at the moment the programs Messenger type very they are extended between the users, who even can get to accept like contacts at people who do not know, or who do not know the sufficient thing. In these cases the attacker will try that the victim accepts a file she executes and it in his equipment. – Operation of vulnerabilities of third parties through navigator: we cannot leave without commenting another one of the routes by which an attacker can get to control the team of a user, and that route is the one to take advantage of through navigator Internet the vulnerabilities or exploits that occurs in applications of third parties (different from the manufacturer of the navigator in the majority of the cases).

Special numerous attention is due to render to exploits that they affect well-known reproducers of video that the majority of us we used with remarkable frequency. And up to here the first approach to the most common attacks that they can be sent to take control of the control of a user team, who will be able to serve the attacker as platform as attack to a whole network or a servants of the organization to whom the user belongs. It is, then, patent the necessity to educate and to bring back to consciousness to the users, because it is the most effective form to protect in last instance all our network. udea Security of the Information Manuel Diaz Sampedro Department Management of the Security