In many regions of southern Africa, the Cape of Good Hope, Ethiopia and Somalia aloe was used since ancient times to wash the body and hair. Thus getting an effective protection against the sun and a great repellent all kinds of insects, also used it to eliminate their body odor when they went hunting and to heal all wounds. With the advent of Christianity, the sacred scriptures aloe mentioning again through San Juan: “It was also Nicodemus, who had gone to see Jesus at night, carrying a hundred pounds of myrrh and aloes, fragrant. They took the body of Jesus and bound it in linen cloths with the spices, according to the custom of burying of the Jews. “(Jn 19, 39-40) Although the historian Flavius Josephus (37-95 AD) said in his Jewish Antiquities that aloe of the Bible is a variety of agaloco, formerly called aloe stick, and used in incense and carpentry: the body is washed with water lilies, incense, clove and aloe stick, but not the result of crushing the leaves of the plant, but which comes from India and the Greeks call agaloco, exquisite perfume From the eighth century, Arabs, aware of the virtues of this plant by Dioscorides and was called “Lily of the Desert”, they used either an internal and external. During the Middle Ages, and under the Muslim rule in Al-Andalus were large plantations of aloes, enthusiastic propagators of medicinal use of wormwood, which is often used as a purgative. To them we owe the spread of aloe in Europe and especially in Spain and the Mediterranean basin, which also imposed as an ornamental. In the tenth century, the philosopher Persian physician Avicenna (Ibn Sina) studied and developed remedies made from medicinal plants, including aloe, which he says is especially effective in treating diseases and melancholy eye (sic). In the twelfth century the Italian doctor writes Matteo Plateario of simplices Liber medicine, one of the richest medieval treatises and detailed about the healing properties of plants and minerals. It speaks of aloe as a magical plant that grew in Babylon, from which was distributed worldwide through its rivers.