The related problem becomes so preoccupying that some scholars of the history of the reading consider doubtful that the process of this practical social can occur in the school. As apu Lerner displays Jean Hrbrard, It is possible to learn to read? For the school it is evident that yes … e, exactly because is imagined possible, if attributes to this learning an extraordinary one to also be able of action on the new generations and, by means of them, on certain social groups to that they belong. The supposed cultural neutrality of the act to read, its apparent instrumentalidade, guarantees its social effectiveness, as it assumes the alfabetizador speech to it. However, for the sociology of practical cultural the reading it is an art to make that more it is inherited of what is learned (HERBRARD apud LERNER, 2002, p.58).
Ahead of the question above raised by the related author, Lerner tells despite for the formation of readers and writers, it becomes necessary to face a great challenge to construct a new fictitious version of the reading, a version that if has adjusted practical the social one that we try to communicate and does not allow our pupils if to appropriate effectively of it. To articulate the construtivista theory of the learning with the rules and institucional requirements is far from being easy: she is necessary to find another way to manage the time, is necessary to create new ways to control the learning, is necessary to transform the distribution of the papers of the professor and of the pupil in relation to the reading, she is necessary to conciliate the institucional objectives with the personal objectives of pupils (LERNER, 2002, P. 79)..