Office Management

Office management Kurfurstendamm offers small business owners offices and services at a fixed price at an exclusive location in Berlin Berlin, March 18, 2009 the Office management Kurfurst insulation Ltd. offers a small company exclusive Office address, telephone and fax services for a low budget. Others including Robotics, offer their opinions as well. For a flat rate of only 150,00 euros net per month young entrepreneurs can afford its own headquarters with receptionist. This makes a serious impression to their customers just on start ups. Since January 2007, the Office management Kurfurst insulation Ltd. offers small firms of secretarial services at a flat rate. An idea that definitely pays off in times of tight budgets. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Euro Pacific Precious Metals by clicking through. So the company could move earlier this year even in larger, more exclusive rooms on the Kurfurstendamm, without increasing the cost of its services.

It is important to allow just young companies a jump-start for me. You may produce little cost and can’t afford most therefore its own premises, explains Claudia Stengl, owner of Office management Kurfurst insulation Ltd., their idea. With her, the contractual partner shall receive services at a fixed price without additional charges. The customers appreciate it the entrepreneur. Their first customer is still their customer base. A positive acknowledgment of their services. Perfect service at an unbeatable price, the Office management Kurfurst insulation Ltd. offers 380 square meters office space, Conference and training rooms.

Already 90,00 euro net in the month the corporate clients for an Office address including postal and parcel receipt and notifications by E-mail or call. A charge of 60,00 euros NET includes in addition the telephone and fax acceptance and to establish an own telephone – and fax number with personal greeting. In addition the customer intends to use the Office space he can be for an hour fee of 10,00 euro net including Beamernutzung, seminar support, as well as soft drinks. Information