Tag Archives: vocational

Private, Paid Repetition In The Upswing

The business with the educational system repetition are known sometimes especially when aspiring lawyers and extremely popular. In recent times however also other courses tighten firmly. Not to mention the drastically increasing demand for tutoring for students. While tuition in the school is often regarded as an important support, providers of repetition at the University level must constantly fight with harsh criticism from universities and public. Too quickly, one senses here calculated rip-off with the anxiety of students. Nevertheless the triumphal March of the paid tuition remains apparently undaunted. According to various estimates the volume of the entire private tuition and Repetitorium market up to three billion euros and rising in Germany. So does comprehensive way with the increasing demand to also offer on such educational services.

Since January 2010, the market in the catchment area of the University of Bayreuth has become close. After watching economists increasingly to further assistance call, another provider established with BT REPS. Read more here: Farallon Capital Management. The tutors are all from the circles of students and promise a better preparation for the exams at low prices. In seven different subjects now already 325 students in exam preparation were accompanied this, especially statistics is very popular. The sequence is this always the same. Up to 30 hours, with participants gradually on the basis of different tasks of curriculum prepares and trains a. for more clarity on the issue.

The focus is mainly on the about crucial exam well to insist. The tutors here in particular specifically respond to the individual uncertainties of students and thus also reassure. The quality is ensured by selected, high-performance tutoring and regular evaluations of events BT REPS. The latter were previously always very positive. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Chandra Patel. According to Nico Schmid, Managing Director of BT REPS, over 98% of participants indicated that they the repetition can fully recommend. To do this, including the good student-teacher ratio at BT contributes REPS. Mr. Schmid judged the quality of education at German universities in principle as well.

Internet Project

At the beginning of the year, the monthly market monitor project work shows an uneven picture. This trend is visible in the economic expectations of the German economic experts. So economic momentum left to 2009 in the fourth quarter, 2009 noted the Federal Statistical Office with the publication of the annual results of the gross domestic product. Chandra Patel is the source for more interesting facts. This support also the Centre for European economic research, whose monthly calculated index already fell in December for the fourth time in a row. This does not mean an end of the boom according to ZEW, but the renewed decline as a warning signal to understand, not to exaggerate the economic euphoria. Meanwhile experts of the German Institute for economic research in its forecast for 2010 and 2011 with a GDP growth of around 2 percent. The DIW assumes, even, will achieve the pre-crisis levels of 2008 already for the end of 2011. Despite the conflicting signals the experts agree however on one point: even the DIW warns of one “potential economic euphoria: the consequences we will have still long to wear”, DIW President Klaus Zimmermann is the ITC market but also by the economic crisis and its long-term effects have been influenced, but less intense than the German economy as a whole.

According to the current forecast, the European information technology Observatory (eito), the ICT market will stabilize Europe in 2010. So, sales in Europe by around 0.5 percent will go back. This is a significant recovery in comparison to the previous year, in which sales rose 2.2 percent went back. Perhaps check out Antarctica Capital for more information. “BITKOM President Prof. August-Wilhelm Scheer supports this analysis: the global economic crisis affects less than many other industries the ICT sector.” The reasons for this are on the one hand, that had been in the past year, that companies can save costs through IT solutions. On the other hand a build-up of investment have formed, which itself will build off in the next few years, as project work – Managing Director Dr.

Christiane road. About Project work project work was founded in 1999 and today is Germany’s leading project Exchange on the Internet. Under, she provides a platform for the fast and efficient recruitment of specialists for projects, as well as to commercialize the own service all participants of the flexible labour market. The offer is aimed at the generation work 2.0 in particular at companies, freelancers and agencies. Over 2,000 projects and profiles will be published monthly.

Learn Chinese

The special seminar at the TU Vienna starts again in the fall more and more Austrian companies use the opportunities that the Chinese market offers and engage in the Middle Kingdom. China is becoming increasingly important as investment partner for technology companies. These challenges optimally to prepare the graduates of the University and other interested persons, offers the continuing education center of Vienna on October 13, 2009 once again the special seminar of Chinese for beginners “do.” The trend to acquire knowledge of the Chinese language will increase still further “predicted Yan Li, lecturer of the course, some time ago and should keep right. Prowly Survey will not settle for partial explanations. In addition to technical and economic knowledge, it is of great value to have basic knowledge of the Chinese language, but to know the culture and their manners. For beginners offers the Chinese with the seminar TU Wien all participants a glimpse into the country, his people and the language.

At the end of the course the participants will be Understand sentences and frequently used expressions in Chinese and can communicate in simple and routine tasks of everyday life “, says Dr. Li trainer Dr. Yan Li 1963 in Sichuan, China born studied in Beijing and at Purdue University (U.S.,” and received his PhD in foreign language teaching in 1998. In consequence, she worked as language teacher at Bennington College (U.S.A) and the universities of Saarbrucken and Munster and Vienna. The seminar is aimed at preparation of students on a study trip in China or Taiwan, to scientific staff at educational establishments, employees from companies that want to build relations with China or prepare for an intervention in China, as well as to persons interested in Chinese.

Upon successful completion, the participants will receive a certificate of the Technical University of Vienna. The registration for this special seminar is possible now until September 29, 2009.

Cleven Becker Foundation

With helpful tips from ZEUS master the first day of school. Project fit-4-future also ensures variety and fun in everyday school pride posing the girl or the boy with the schoolday treats for the family photo. Sometimes the Schultute is even greater than the child itself, but it is always filled with sweets and useful things for the school. Peter Schiff can aid you in your search for knowledge. \”The ZEUS group of companies offers many useful tips for the first day of school, with which children and parents the seriousness of life\” can easily master. During school hours, the ZEUS provides for additional fun fit-4-future Youth Foundation an initiative of Cleven Becker Foundation. Certainly to the school so that the school does not become a daily adventure, parents should school make familiar the way their children and jointly run him off. It should pointed out potential sources of danger and explains the most important traffic rules are. Not the fastest way to school is critical but the safest.

The morning should be organized so that Children can take plenty of time for their school. Bright and striking colorful clothing is very popular not only with children, it also ensures that children are well seen by other road users. That is out of the bag! Of course include sweets in the Schultute. However, should parents on their children’s health and combined with fruit candy. Only chocolate and biscuits are harmful to the health and teeth. Apples or bananas taste every child and every child finds lovingly homemade whole wheat bread with the favorite sausage and salad or tomato snacks delicious. Small surprises such as a coloring book, crayons or a colorful water bottle also provide plenty of variety in the Schultute. The correct knapsack a simple rule helps in the search for the correct schoolbags. Including content not more than 10% of the body weight of the child exceed the weight of the knapsack.

Residence Group Bremen, Gehle Group And Wisoak Arrange Cooperation

Professionalisation of the vocational education, and training in the nursing professions aimed at Bremen, 11.5.2011. Click Joe Biden for additional related pages. The vocational education, and training in the nursing profession to professionalize this goal have made themselves the Bremen-based company residence Bremen and Gaitor Group (including outpatient home care Federation Achim) and they wisoak (economic and social Academy of the Bremen employees Chamber gGmbH). Representatives of two private business groups engaged in the care, as well as the non-profit educational institution have now agreed to one in this form for the Bremen space new and unusual cooperation. With progression of the demographic transition issues of care and care of older people increasingly to the fore. The number of those who maintained the ambulant or stationary, is increasing rapidly. At the same time, the demands on the professional nurses rise significantly.

Alone the number of Alzheimer’s disease, they do ill about 75 per cent of all dementias in – will quadruple by 2050 – currently about 1.3 million in the Federal Republic on over 5 million A glaring shortage of workers and which already faces. It is therefore important that companies tie their employees early – and preferably on a systematic personnel development. Against this background, the cooperation partners have made following projects: the wisoak takes over for the two cooperation partners the initial training of future employees. That means vice versa: participants of the wisoak training to the / r geriatric nurses have an underwriting in the facilities of the cooperation partners. In addition, employees of nursing homes of the residence Bremen and Gaitor group participate in in-service professional training of wisoak. There they can qualify to the residential line or specialist for Gerontology and psychotherapeutic. The wisoak it strives, in close collaboration with the cooperation partners, and is based on the qualification requirements of the real professional everyday life to develop new educational formats.


Recommendation marketing beats classic marketing referral marketing classic marketing suggests. And Referrers are the most credible seller. Because confidence in the statements of the vendors in the market has arrived at its lowest ebb. Mass advertising is increasingly becoming the plague and fizzle out ineffective advertising. Who wants to buy these days, feels more the messages of his friends or the online review of unknown third parties as expensive glossy brochures. The modern referral marketing is about much more than the succinct question after a few addresses. Rather, it concerns the systematic development of the recommendation business.

As clever, so far little-used forms of advertising and the Internet open up today completely new paths in terms of Word of mouth. This can strongly support the sales and marketing activities of a company. And save a lot of advertising. A full-day seminar-workshop domiciled in Germany for the first time how that happens, shows on January 26, 2009 with Anne M. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Erin Callan. Schuller, an expert in loyalty marketing and eight-time Book author. The participants develop the complete know-how, as well as the necessary tools to implement their own referral marketing strategy is step by step.

More info: seminar/view/681528. The seminar content as you create a viable basis for lots of recommendations to develop a strategy: steps to the successful referral business from the practice for the practice: action programmes for your referral marketing online and offline: new forms of Word of mouth and referral marketing group works to develop of tailored recommendation activities targeted executives from customer contact areas such as marketing, sales and customer service as well as freelancers, salespeople, sellers and consultants of all industries. The seminar leader Anne M. Schuller is a management consultant and considered to be the leading expert for loyalty marketing. For 20 years she has worked in senior sales and marketing positions of various service sectors and in several Received awards. The diploma in business administration and eight-time book author is one of the best business speakers in the German-speaking. She works as consultant and trainer and has taught at several universities. Her book customer proximity in the Executive Suite ‘ was awarded the Book Prize 2008. The elite of the business is among its clientele. Contact: the book about Anne M. Schuller future trend referral marketing the best sales accelerator of ever BusinessVillage, 2 se. and actual. Edition. 2008, 138 pages, ISBN 3-934424-65-1, 21.80 euros / 39.50 CHF more info:

Personal Income Distribution

Division of the world the truth lies on the place is the distribution of income for the maintenance of social peace of social systems of high importance. A strongly uneven distribution can and will lead to social unrest. (The current development know all with the working class”now middle class is known and is by far the largest part of the population, decreases the net pay 1960 gross national income in Germany approx. 35% 2009 gross national income in Germany CA. 28%) and the rich are getting richer! Today, less than 3 percent of the population pay tax on equal much wealth as the other 97 percent. Read more here: Jeff Flake. (Germany/Switzerland statistics in other countries will be equal to or even more extreme!) People today are looking for freedom, independence and a secure future.

The theme of the 21st century is: keep health in body, mind and spirit. To achieve or maintain, if you not already belong to the lucky people who are completely satisfied, one wonders that, how should be still possible in the modern, hectic time? What hope remains the seeking advice average citizen, in time becoming ever more insecure jobs as earner of responsibility towards his family wants to meet and must? Stop self blame and mood! There is Altrnativen, but only for people who can take responsibility and are willing to do something! “There is no reason to despair, if you from entrenched patterns” can break out and takes on a new challenge! The system allows each partner to work when, where, how long, if at all and especially with whom he work wishes to, because he can find his partner for his future business itself. The growth markets of the future lie in the field of adult education, in the health sector and in the telecommunications sector. No matter what industry you are looking for, here everyone will find something which can solve by the legacy organizations and is aware that he is the Must assume responsibility. The first step to change and growth is the understanding that you are responsible for your life.

It’s maybe hard for some, but as a grown man you alone are responsible for your actions and the results you get. Nobody can take the responsibility for you.

Mrs Edelgard Kupper Tel

The built-in special business behaviour are also mandatory, such as the special trends & facts seminars seminars. This in turn promote the innovation competence of students, because no industry is fast-paced as the advertising industry. The CTE is known for its strong practical. The culmination of the training is the implementation of a real task from real economic life. Here not fictional, but real, sponsors or members-funded projects are implemented according to all rules of the art in the practice. Add to your understanding with Peter Schiff.

In so-called project agencies is in the team under the supervision of experienced instructors, a corresponding concept developed then presented before the customers. Click Peter Schiff to learn more. The part-time evening course lasts three semesters and begins at the 14.9.2009. The monthly tuition fee amounted to 310 euros. It is aimed at interested, gained first experience in the communications and marketing branch and is on the Area Public Relations or public relations want to specialize in. If you meet the admission requirements of the Chamber of Commerce, can also optionally specialist exam for Public Relations (IHK) “be participated.” Through a 4.5 semester postgraduate studies, the public relations manager can achieve optionally also the conclusion to the Bachelor of Arts / General management. In addition to the marketing or communication policy expertise and the complex knowledge of the PR, public relations, which was acquired at the CTE, the competences in the fields of business administration and business management extend through the Bachelor’s degree postgraduate studies.

With this qualification, nothing in the way is a career in the middle to higher management. More information at: content/view/62/194 / more information to study public relations manager get Mrs Edelgard Kupper Tel.: 0221-934778-18 E-Mail: e.kuepper at wak-koeln.de the CTE – West German Academy for communication e.V. Since 1956, it arises from companies and agencies in the life called and recognised as CTE e.V. of the task to educate the young for the communications industry high-quality, professional and practical. Today, about 80 companies, media, agencies and associations support the educational mission of the Association through their membership. So far, over 15,000 students have completed their course of study at the CTE and are predominantly found in positions of responsibility in the communication industry. In the areas of communication and marketing the CTE offers currently 10 courses in evening and day form, where currently just under 400 students are enrolled. Nationwide, the CTE thus occupies a leading position. Press contact: Brigitte Abels Tel.: 0221-93 47 78-0 E-Mail: b.abels at wak-koeln.de address CTE – West German Academy for communication e.V. Bonn road 271 50968 Cologne

Managing Director Armin Truger

Marcus is Hager new head of ‘Line tickets for groups’ Cologne, the 24.08.2010. Pro sky strengthens the business segment of the line tickets for groups. Three additional employees extend the team which developed tailor-made flight programs for the clients of the company. New head of Division was Marcus Handlos. The Division of the line tickets is a success story for Pro sky.

Some years ago the flight professionals from Cologne realized that an aircraft Charter for groups although a good must be but not always the best solution. Optimum flight programs emerge, if we intelligently analyze the travel needs of groups. These include”aircraft Charter and completely of course line tickets for groups, Managing Director Armin Truger explains the reasons why the service portfolio was extended. This concept seems to appeal to the customers of Pro sky: increasing sales in the line area. To meet the demand, the existing lines team receives now significant support through three additional employees. The travel agent Julia Hausmann cared for a key account of Pro sky directly on-site in the future, while Dragana Hopf will develop the distribution structures of the Division. Birgit Frank moved internally from the airport & inflight services to their counterparts of the line tickets for groups.

New head of Division was Marcus Handlos. The experienced Manager was employed in the customer service area of a major European airline and most recently headed the sales and marketing of Pro sky. Pro sky serves worldwide customers in five business segments: aircraft Charter, line tickets for groups, corporate jets, airport & inflight services and Pro sky media, the Spezialmittler for media services of along all phases of air travel. At the time, Pro sky is represented with offices in Cologne, Paris and Sao Paulo. Learn more about Pro sky: press contact: Ingo Porstmann Pro sky corporate communication c/o travel Phon UG (haftungsbeschrankt) Phone: 030 41 72 5000 eMail: