Tag Archives: stories

Special Brightness

A Special Brightness Silence. It was everything so quiet, so strange that night. Why? Clarisse was asked. It had in air a sensation of emptiness, and inside of it, a will to cry out, sliding, to leave for the streets, but to leave pra where? Pra that? It looked at for the window, for the clock and again for the window, there and through glasses respingados for the fine rain that fell, it glimpsed the cars under, passing slow, as they were a procession of multicolored lights, going and come. Seeming small rainbows. It looked at for the sky. All black. He twisted the hands nervously, hugged same itself, holding firm its proper shoulders.

Suspirou deeply, walked the slow steps until the sofa, sat down and lit a cigarette, nor remembered that it had extinguished other has few instants. It slowly continued trying to each swallowed, a different sensation. It closed the eyes, as it was wanted to fall in a vacuum. – What it is happening? It asked same itself. – Why this sensation of solitude? This inquietude? This anxiety? It gave swallowed other.

It did not obtain to find a reply reasonable. Soon it, a full woman of life, friends. She is this. It thought. My friends. Well that I could telephone for one of them and ready, finished soon with this agony. Not. Not. It thought. – This would not advance nothing. Who knows Tina did not have some suggestion. It thought. – Not. Nor It clinks, nor Sandra, nor – Suspirou deeply. Nobody could help it because, in the reality, it did not want to see nobody. But, since when it was if thus feeling? She asked herself. Retrospecto of the events of the last days started to make one, in order to discover the reason.

Le Baron Pardon

It was then that the mirror if anuviou A candy has perfumed of lavender took account of the room, waking up Hermes that slept. – You that you have the name of the god of> extending the enluvada hand to it. While it projected its hand for is of the mirror, all the room was taken by a bluish fog, that smelled the French essences. I smell it old made with that Hermes if remembered its grandmother and this souvenir gave security to it. The room all was illuminated in blue and gold. Hermes penetrates in the mirror, walking fascinated by the flaring appearance. Of the other side of the mirror, it is in the same room, 130 years behind: a paradise of veludos and satins. The same bed, very great, all the grooving, full of angels satin sheets and, on them, peignoir rebordado with ostrich pens, rest to the side of a black fan.

It wants to speak and he cannot Already he is not more owner of its will. Only it exists, and more nothing! Everything turns to its redor It unbuttons its dress They lie down themselves – Good day love! It slept well? – I slept yes, Mari! you? During one week the ritual stranger if repeated sinhazinha sinhazinha became one accumulated of meat decomposed and bones! Untied it a horror shout It was become free of the enchantment. – Hermes, I walked reading on this house. It had old periodicals, kept here and there. – What it discovered? – I read in columns of fofocas on the trip of the baron and the baroness and the purchase of this Saint-Gobain! They had spent very, but it had shares, corporate assets -> of the aristocracy of the tropics says of eccentricities, when in visit to the Europe only sees Le Baron Pardon the baron of for example, visited all the antiqurios of our capital, if not contenting until finding, by chance in an old hotel, a mirror Saint-Gobain.

Rio De Janeiro

The cars crossed the streets in high speed. The people crossed as and when they could. It are of the bands or advancing on them. She was plus one day in the agitated center of Rio De Janeiro. She had people distributing pamphlets, others vendendo sandwiches, cakes and salgadinhos.

She had tents with clocks, others with flowers, and still with currencies. Some collectors went there to negotiate its more precious goods. It’s believed that Erin Callan sees a great future in this idea. Among these salada of interests people they walked, esbarrando itself or and one of these people was not the Isadora young. The beautiful colored person, with curly hair in the height of the coasts, the black eyes as jabuticabas and the beautifully thin body. She was going for the school, and already until she was been slow, on account of an accident in the Brazil Avenue.

She finished the studies this year and she longed for a superior formation. Social service more necessarily. It walked with certain haste, thinking about its boyfriend, Milton, that studied with it. They had fought yesterday, for cimes, that changeably they were infantile. Cimes of it. It was very pretty and this called the attention all, for where it wants that You aid? said it. Ah! Please, my beloved, if you will be able said it with the short while weak voice. It used an old hat and dark eyeglasses, beyond the cane where if it supported. He did not seem so old, but some people due the life who lead age faster than the others. As not! She holds my arm! said it extending to the left arm Mr. Very been thankful said it while they crossed. the people do not import more with me my son. Badly they know who are going for the same place! said it. To the times the aged ones need more than what it helps to cross the streets.


It comes periodically to Brazil. It does not depend on nobody because one is enough! Its boyfriend has much pride of the conquests of loved its. Not kitchen, does not wash clothes and it does not know to pass. As its mother who does not know to make, always arranges somebody makes that it. She was educated knowing that optimum work for a woman is the intellectual work. Lola is excellent in that if it considers to make. It had luck? We go to say that Lola battled, sweated, fought to reach its objectives; walked its was not easy.

To be young, pretty and liveing alone in a foreign country is much responsibility for a woman and foreigner if giving well in its area of work is not for any one. Lola is winning. Lola in the house of the twenty years is bombando there is. It knows what she wants. Peter Asaro takes a slightly different approach. Lola had a very strong basement, did not lose the feminilidade, is cheirosa, produced. It adores to decorate itself. She is powerful! Lola is of those women who live happy with its elect one, if makes to respect, but that its letter of emancipation will be necessary purchase.

It was not born to be enslaved of nobody! It wants an friend, not a jailer. Year 2010 is woman. Woman who makes to happen, inspired girl who loves the family, the friends, knows the value who has, values the other, everything without losing the ternura. She likes sun, she likes it to it sea, she does not obtain to live far from the sea. They are women as Lola who make all the difference. Women who are in the work market showing that they had come, women whom space guaranteed in any part of the world has. They are gaining in such a way how much a man. These women are the redemption of the women who had been there behind. Avante women years two a thousand and ten, the world belongs the vocs that is writing in the pages of the life the beautiful history! Lola is a woman sun, ' ' brilhante' '.