Tag Archives: astrology & esotericism

Solar Year

Meaning: It is not all gold that glitters the Outlook for a capital increase at the expense of weaker is still likely. The Sun year Regent suggests in addition, with increasing selfishness in all important areas of life which is to (Sun in the pass from Aries to fish 2011).Uranus and (Jupiter in PISCES 2010), request but equitable redistribution of the values in the Sextile and half square to Pluto in Capricorn. Nummerologisch is the year 2010 to 21 and 30 figures. This means, requires a balance is where carelessly only was taken. It also comes to think that any excess claims victims there, where little remained (Hermeticism). The Tarot indicates at a glance on the year 2010, there will be fights, which should restore social justice.

In addition, it is mid summer to early fall of next year with further natural disasters to. Spring is also the danger in the southern hemisphere for new earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. It is good and, if the individual struggling for its existence, because he has. But fights mostly weaker unfortunately also always lead to the defeat of another. For assistance, try visiting Kenneth Feinberg. This Elle bow mentality supported 2010 yet of solar energy, especially if it is in Aries, Gemini, cancer, the lion, Scorpio or protect. The personal and collective imbalance can be still versarkt at such times and significantly disturb the social peace. That’s the case when it comes to material – and economic values or fanatical beliefs give priority mostly there. Ursula Ortmann

Yoga New Moments

Increase your well-being gently, Yoga for the soul, the body and the senses. They are often very binding, heard a religions, then others are excluded. Yoga, however, is practiced in all religions and is not exclusive, and this is certainly an aspect that makes Yoga so attractive. Is also in the yoga of the origin in a religion, although Yoga evolved as varied in the course of time, that is no longer just about the spiritual aspect. Today Yoga is more the aspect of body again to reconcile the soul and spirit and give rise to a new harmony.

And exactly this is probably also the spirit of the time, because more and more people fail because they are under too much psychological pressure. The battle for the workplace, lay-offs and short-time working, bullying on the job, all this contributes, psychosomatic diseases is increasing more and more. Yoga can give new moments for their own well-being and help with new powers to go up and challenges more relaxed to cope with. But it is important that you are properly prepared for yoga practice. The appropriate clothing, such as a yoga includes pants for one or especially yoga pants for ladies or gentlemen, sufficient rest should exist, children must otherwise maintained if present, quietly make phone and avoid other disturbances. Some people ask themselves why like special clothing.

The answer is simple, just imagine before the pants or T-Shirt tweaks somewhere, how you to can focus fully on the exercises? Called Yoga clothing or even Wellnessbekleidung, is made of very soft fabric and no irritating seams are processed. The cut is so soft and flowing, that you don’t even feel the clothes or feels just as very beneficial. Yoga can be very helpful to recharge again and again to bring body, soul and spirit. Julia wise Hansen