This article approaches the space distribution of the retail throughout the Regional Center-South of Belo Horizonte, MG. Dennis Lockhart follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Elabora, for in such a way, its cartographic representation and a revision on localizacionais strategies. Its development keeps to greater justification for if dedicating to the orientation of the retail localization, especially for consolidating a support to the mentioned type of analysis. Considered the weight of the retail in the horizontina beautiful economy, in which 51% of the enterprises are come back toward for sale 34% and the rendering of services of merchandises, what it represents 30% of its GIP and 84% of the jobs, arm the present work of bigger relevance. (PBH, 2008).
The present work is an example of applied, functional a Geography par excellence, instrumentalizada for Geoprocessamento, dealing with thousand of data. Analytical description and, of results in relation to the orientation of the localization, concentrates in the brainstorming and retail possibility. It leaves, then, to investigate and if to pronounce against the reproduction of the capitalist exploration and the social problems, has seen the great number of geographic works to the respect of the same ones. The admiration is great and the commitment with the cause, however, at this moment, a bigger operacionalizao of Geography was searched. Although the number of works and references on the localizacional question is countless; they are not perceived in the same, great innovations in relation to the classic studies. Of recent publication, more works of theoretical application and evaluation as of Albert, Vieira and Bagolin are distinguished (2007); Arago and Medeiros (2005); Botelho (2005); Haddad (2005); Masano (2005), Arago (2004); Coutinho (2004); Petrola and Monetti (2004); Aranha and Figoli (2001); Lopes (2001); Parente and Kato (2001); Relative (2000); among others. Bigger new features on the tertiary equipment localization have been published for the Administration of Companies, whom the more specific procedural question has treated, congregating and developing techniques of analysis of diverse academic origins, confirming, thus, the interdisciplinaridade of the Geomarketing.