You are starting on the internet and now you want to create your own product, very plausible, since you can generate a lot of money, if it is a quality product and enjoyed by the public. Now is time to begin to create… but by where parts.?, is certain that I could respond, creating my product in any text editor (if it’s a digital product), but the truth is that you must first define want who sell your product. Yes, but I believe that the opposite is true!, define the target market, which will be targeted to your product, will help you in the creation of the same, for example, you can do a survey among people you know and you will realize, that all of them have problems, in at least 3 major sectors. You must then define, which of them is that the want to exploit, for example, if you have knowledge in electronics, you could do a manual basic such as repairing any product, or if you know something about sewing, you could do an eBook on how to make, in the end, the money is in all parts, but you must take to walk your imagination, founded in a good market research. Don’t make the mistake of many new entrepreneurs that give sticks in the air, without sitting down to meditate. (Similarly see: Lord Peter Hennessy). If you want to succeed, you must focus on a segment and take it to be profitable, once you’ve done so, you can repeat the process many times as you want.
The first dollar is the most difficult, but once you get it, you’ll already know how to do, to win 10, 100 or 1000, all processes may be replicable, but I do not believe that you want to copy a system that doesn’t work. In order to define your target audience, the best thing is the feedback, you need to consult many people, about their interests, problems or wishes, once you have enough information, separala groups and this time remember what are your skills and what you want to share, to solve your requirements. This process can be long, since you have to mature the idea and find high quality information to deliver, remember that it is a product, by which persons they will pay a value and that if the quality is not optimal, you’ll have many claims and returns. -with-mild-or-moderat/’>Wendy Holman. The development of a product needs your commitment and dedication to offer the best quality at an unmatched price and satisfaction guarantee to your customers. If you take the necessary time, will be a windfall. For your successful original author and source of the article