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ASSISTANCE OF NURSING IN the PUERICULTURA IN the PACS Jeane Rego Barbosa Mauricio Teixeira Rock of Oliveira Vnia de Souza of the Wedge SUMMARY This work presents the attendance of nursing in the Puericultura developed in basic units of health, specifically, Programs of Communitarian Agents of Health PACS. Nicholas Carr : the source for more info. Sample as the assistance of Nursing in this Program if for the most part makes of the time by means of the promotion of the health through the knowledge, being the information and the orientation the main instruments of work, emphasizing the importance of the prevention in the maintenance of the health, and as the SUS? Only system of Health, mediated for the PACS makes possible such actions. Word-key: Puericultura, PACS, Nursing, Assistance. INTRODUCTION the services of attendance to the health of the PACS are structuralized and based in order to take care of two main objectives: 1) To guide the mother and the child, this whenever possible, through the knowledge of causes consequences of inadequate habits of health, as well as the illnesses most frequent of the puerprio and infancy, aiming at of this form to improve physical, emotional and social well-being of the same ones; 2) To make possible the access of all the community taken care of for the Program, making to be valid the principles of the Only System of Health: – SUS: Universality, Completeness, Decentralization, Resolutividade, Hierarquizao and Equidade. The Puericultura promotes the accompaniment of the process of development of the child and orientation for the mother initiated in the puerprio. It is of basic importance, since through it is that conditions appear precociously to detect riots of nutrition, the estatural growth, and the psychic and motor development. In accordance with Daneluzzi (2005), so that this assistance is developed in its fullness, the Nurse must know and understand the child in its familiar and social environment, beyond its relations and interaction with the context socioeconmico, description, cultural politician and where she is inserted. . .