This system if translates for an intitled structure cascade system, that of a chance of the pupil in all the stages of the integration, to transit in ' ' sistema' ' , of the regular classroom to special education. RESULTS AND QUARREL OF the DATA We will initiate our analyses characterizing the citizens of the research, through data explanados in form of picture, referring to its trajectories of life in relation to teaching work. Thus we will present P11, P21, P31 and P41. Picture 1: ' ' Characterization of the Sujeitos' ' PUPILS EDUCATION WORK DOCENTENIVL WHERE ATUOUDISCIPLINAS LECIONADASTEMPO OF mdio.VriasMais DOCNCIA P1SimFundamental of 20 average P2SimFundamental years. Matemtica2 P3SimMdio.Matemtica3 years P4SimFundamental mdio.VriasMais years of 20 years Picture 1? Characterization of the Citizens – Source: Data of the research. 1 Interview carried through in day 23 of April of 2007 and 03 of June of 2007. In this work we will use codes to identify the citizens of the research, to preserve the identity of the same ones. to P 1? Pupil Program of Formation of Professors? When analyzing the data above, we can observe that P1, acts as professor has twenty years more than and that in this period already she had the chance of lecionar several you discipline in the two pertaining to school levels (basic and average).
However it standed out that: ' ' … only mathematical and sciences? Anos.' has 7 more or less; '. to the P2 – Pupil VII Semester licenciatura in mathematics with approach in computer science – It acted as professor during two years, after the ingression in the course, and in this period it lecionou mathematical for the two pertaining to school levels (basic and average). to the P3? Pupil VII Semester Course of Licenciatura in Mathematics with Approach in Computer science? He acts as professor has 3 years, only lecionando mathematical for average education therefore according to its proper story ' ' I always taught average education.