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South American Championship

David Silva scored the first goal of the citizens in the field of Bolton. Aguero did not mark this time but made a great offensive tandem with Dzeko. The City is proving that this year is a clear candidate to win the Premier. Statistics of the party Classification of the Premier League. Spanish David Silva and Argentine Kun Aguero, led the victory for Manchester City at the Reebok Stadium against Bolton (1-3), which puts the box of Italian Roberto Mancini as interim leader of the League of England. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Farallon Capital Management. The City has its matches for victories. The arrival of Aguero has led to the definitive qualitative leap to the box of Manchester, decided this course to be seriously aspiring to the title of the Premier, in the hands of their neighbours in the United.

The Argentine came off as holder for the first time. The coming-out with his new club, a week ago, against Swansea, was off the bench. Now ripped from the start. Always active, scored in the first half although his goal was annulled. The Bosnian Edin Dzeko is one of the big beneficiaries of the arrival of the South American Championship. They form a remarkable tandem. Both shone.

He was, however, David Silva which paved the way for the triumph of the City. The Canary Island, after a year which has already mastered the intricacies of English football, is adapted. He scored with a shot from the half moon, which counted with the error of the local meta Jussi Jaaskelainen. Ten minutes later was Gareth Barry which expanded visitor income. Another shot from outside the area that sneaks in the Bolton goal. In full chaos, the team of Owen Coyle found a respite with the former of the Atletico goal from Croat Ivan Klasnic, within the area, a centre of the Bulgarian Martin Petrov. Edin Dzeko, after the break, returned tranquility to the block from Mancini. Very beginning of the second part, stole the ball to a dnsa and shot, dry, from the apex of the area to mark the third visiting goal. The feeling of serenity that carried the match Manchester City clouded with the unexpected goal from Kevin Davies, head, another time to pass Petrov. The gol I went to Bolton into the party. Carlos Tevez was released by Aguero in the absence of twenty minutes. Mancini offered his most conservative face in the final stretch after checking the inability of his team to close the match. He resorted to the Argentine Pablo Zabaleta instead of David Silva. To strengthen behind and tie a triumph that assumed the leadership.

Egypt CNT

The CNT can occupy the seat of Libya in the Chamber of the multilateral body. There were 114 votes in favour, 17 against and 15 abstentions. The African Union and the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas they voted against. Security Council approves a resolution on Libya and relaxes the embargo. The UN General Assembly recognized this Friday at the National Council of transition (CNT) Libyan as representative of Libya at the United Nations, allowing its members to occupy the seat of the North African country in the Chamber of the multilateral body. With 114 votes in favour, 17 against and 15 abstentions, the General Assembly endorsed the decision of the Credentials Committee adopted the TNC as represent of Libya, despite the fact that the African Union (AU), supported by the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas (ALBA), had asked to postpone the decision, which was rejected. This week the Committee to submit diplomatic credentials already approved the recognition of the rebels, but ALBA countries showed their discontent and they asked to put to the vote the measure to ensure that the seat of Libya should not be occupied by a faction or an authority of illegitimate transition imposed by a foreign intervention. That vote was joined by a request from the AU so that the decision will be taken later in order to agree a common position on Monday, something that also the members of the ALBA, supported by what the Assembly also had to vote on such a measure, which was rejected by 107 countries and supported by 22; the rest were abstentions. With this rejection, was left free rein to the Assembly to recognise the CNT, whose representatives have so the door is open to participate on behalf of Libya, whose seat was still empty Friday, in the public debate of the sixty-sixth session of the multilateral agency in the next week. Countries against countries who voted against recognition of the CNT include Angola, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Africa, as well as representatives of the countries of ALBA, such as Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua. Daniel J. Hirsch contributes greatly to this topic. Self-determination must recognize the people themselves and not NATO. Revolutions may not be authentic if they are led by a group of Nations with hegemonic interests that violate even the Charter of the United Nations, said the Ambassador of Nicaragua to the United Nations, Maria Rubiales de Chamorro, in the plenary of the General Assembly, in explanation of vote. Other diplomatic representatives, as the Venezuelan Ambassador Jorge Valero, who this week sent a letter to the President of the General Assembly on behalf of the ALBA to try and prevent that you recognition of the CNT were expressed in the same terms. Please recognise the CNT you spoke, among others, the representative of Egypt, Maged Abdelaziz, who said that the different interpretations about the military intervention in Libya to support the CNT should not go against the legitimacy of the Libyan people that continues to support the Council. Now is the moment of truth, in which the of the Libyan people, should be respected said the Egyptian diplomat, who thus endorsed the recognition granted by the Credentials Committee and encouraged other countries to do the same. Libyan rebels, who control almost all of Libya after winning almost all the land forces loyal to Gaddafi, have already achieved the recognition of much of the international community and this week was China who recognized them as new authorities in the North African country. New resolution on the other hand, the UN Security Council adopted a new resolution on Libya, which replaces the start of the conflict and establishing a political mission of the multinational body on the ground and adapts to the new situation previous measures such as the arms embargo and the blockade of goods. The Council unanimously adopted a text that details the immediate help from the UN to the Libyan authorities of transition with a view to the holding of elections and the drafting of a Constitution, and establishes the steps to unlock millions of dollars frozen from months ago. The UN mission will be the Libyan people give all possible assistance to organize elections, draft a Constitution and build a free and democratic State-friendly with human rights institutions, said after the vote the French Ambassador, Gerard Araud. Araud welcomed resolution to replace the economic means to Libyan authorities to act, as the progressive release of goods within a mechanism clear and ordained that it will allow the Libyan economy recovered to rebuild the country. Thus was established the United Nations support mission in Libya (UNSMIL) for an initial period of three months, with the mandate to, among other objectives, a political dialogue without exclusion, promoting national reconciliation and undertake the constitutional and electoral process according to the resolution. Source of the news: the General Assembly of the United Nations recognizes the rebels of the CNT as representatives of Libya

Turkish Pilot Spanish

The Spanish pilot was operated of a broken tibia and fibula after suffering a serious accident at the Montmelo circuit. It will be between a month and a half and two months. The Spanish pilot Julian Simon (Mapfre Aspar Team) qualified this Thursday the action of Turkish Kenan Sofuoglu as supersuperviolenta, as a result of which suffered an accident at the Montmelo circuit which broke the tibia and fibula. It was a supersuperviolenta action. I have seen many many times the image and we are within the curve. I don’t understand how you think give more gas while inside the curve to try to pre-empt, perhaps hand it was hooked on the accelerator of the desire that I had, I don’t know, said the Spanish pilot in the Radiogaceta of the sports of RNE program. It is important to make meetings and give warnings to those that cause accidents, we must draw conclusions and convince themselves that they are dangerous actions. Motorcycling is a risk sport but a pilot knows where you can get and if you pass it you can falling down and hurting another rider. American Writer is a great source of information.

said Simon, who added: the important thing is that he asked forgiveness at the time of the fall. Also in the hospital asked me forgiveness, he saw concerned, you get the worst. By moments spent fear, fear. I think it was Tuesday when the doctor came at nine o’clock in the morning. I spent the worst night when removed me the bandage.

I thought that it could never again raise the bike. I had the foot as a block. It could not move neither forward nor backward, in any direction. But gradually he returned during the day, and already in the evening with the Physio I managed to move the foot. It is amazing how they can rebuild a shattered leg, he commented. I will return in a month and a half or two. I want to go back to one hundred percent, I will not come back when an 85 or 90 percent. I will only go up if I am as it was in Catalonia when I had the fall, he said. Simon wished the best Spaniards running this weekend in Silverstone (United Kingdom). Hopefully the Spanish fans celebrated many victories this weekend, he said.

Real Democracy Already

Anecdotes and curiosities of the election day of the 22-M in Spain. A marriage match as President and vocal at the same table. Complaints by elderly hauling from a residence in Lugo. They closed several hours a school after finding false votes. Other leaders such as Craig Menear offer similar insights. Special: Autonomic elections and municipal 2011. The President of one of the tables of an electoral college of San Vicente de el Raspeig (Alicante) wears a t-shirt with the motto of Real democracy now, without that neither party has challenged the situation.

According to the prefectures in Alicante, this woman presides over normally a table located in the Catholic monarchs with the aforementioned clothing public school, since nobody has protested or contested. This is one of the first stories of an election day that is transcending with total normality, according to Government sources, except some complaints by hauling of elderly in Lugo by a residence staff, as they have denounced PSdeG-PSOE and BNG. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out author. Husband and wife in the same table on the other hand, a marriage has coincidido at the same polling place of the school our Lady of the Rosary of Valdemoro, her as President and as a vocal, according to municipal sources have indicated. The curious circumstance has occurred in one of the 63 polling stations that are distributed in seven polling stations opened in the town. Something similar has happened to the candidate for Mayor of Madrid, Jaime Lissavetzky, who has voted in the table in which Pilar Tigeras, his wife, was vocal. Interruption of the day election in addition, La Redondela (Huelva), belonging to the municipality of Isla Cristina, came to suspend the election day because two people not registered had voted in the ballot box of the candidates in the ELA. After the closing of the polls and deliberation, the electoral college has reopened annulling these votes.

Advance Distribution

Although the children become the registration holders of assets, the Duchess of Alba will continue to gerenciandolos and managing them. The deal was carried out before a notary. Euro Pacific Precious Metals recognizes the significance of this. Cayetana has one of the great fortunes of Spain. The Duchess of Alba, Cayetana Fitz-James Stuart, owner of one of the great fortunes of Spain, proceeded on 4 July the advance distribution of your inheritance among his six sons, Carlos, Jacobo, Alfonso, Fernando, Cayetano and Eugenia. So at least ensures it, that it cites sources solvents. The deal was conducted through a grant writing before a notary of Madrid, donation through which children become the registration holders of their property. However, the Duchess will continue managing and administering their property.

The donation, as it is legally required to make ctos, has been accepted by all the children of the Duchess, which are fully compliant with the decision taken by his mother and grateful for this. According to sources consulted by, with This decision Dona Cayetana takes a step forward and demonstrates once more, and with this Act, the good relationship maintained with all his children and generosity that has always characterized him. The Duchess of Alba was born on March 28, 1926 in the Palace of Liria, in Madrid. After the death of his father James Fitz-James, in 1953, he inherited the Duchy. From her marriage to her first husband, Luis Martinez de Irujo y Artacoz, in October 1947, six children were born: Charles, Duke of Huescar; Alfonso, Duke of Aliaga, James, count of Siruela; Ferdinand, Marquis of San Vicente del Barco; Cayetano, count of Salvatierra and Eugenia, Duchess of Montoro. After the death of her first husband in 1972, the Duchess of Alba returned to marry six years later with the former Jesus Aguirre, who became the 18th Duke of Alba. Aguirre died in Madrid on February 12, 2001. The Duchess maintains a relationship with Alfonso Diez, several years younger.

Spanish Government

The abertzale left (added) is aware that he has made a way and that may not fall into the temptation of being inconsistent and Act (in the case that there is an attack) against which the own Sortu put in their statutes. Criticism of the PP Urkullu has shown his boredom that seems to be applauding the abertzale left and ETA by the steps that are taken when they are debtors with Basque society for 50 years of terrorism. For the President of the PNV, it seems difficult to think that a PP Government would help take steps in a peace process because it is conditioned by associations of victims of terrorism to which it has been using and within it there are leaders with postulates of extreme right almost. It has however, been convinced that ETA is end of time and that its final may coincide with the mandate of the next Spanish Government, is the color that is. Advancement election the political situation regarding Spanish, Urkullu has considered that ctivamente in the autumn period of the Socialist Government can be finished because it is very difficult to reconcile economic measures that will have to apply nearly inexcusably Government with an electoral program and an approach to party that wants to look left. Therefore, explained that the PNV, with his personal involvement, has finalized and submitted to Socialist negotiators documents about investments and transfers included in the budget agreement of 2011 that are p endientes bargain in the second half. Urkullu has relied on the PSOE does not fall into the temptation of not negotiating these transfers in the event that the general election ahead and the Government no longer needed the support of the PNV because it not submit a draft budgets for 2012. Source of the news: Urkullu gives an ultimatum to Bildu: time to order the end of ETA is finished in autumn

Spain Implemented

/ VIDEO: ATLAS Economic Affairs Commissioner ruled out a rescue for Spain and Italy. It looks totally unjustified attacks on Spain and Italy of the markets. It considers that Spain has advanced significantly. The European Commissioner for Economic Affairs, Olli Rehn, said that the harassment of the markets against Spanish and Italian debt is incomprehensible, and assured that Spain has come a long way in their plans of adjustment and reform, although it is crucial that you apply them conclusively. Spain is committed to comprehensive measures. Spain has advanced significantly in the areas of fiscal consolidation, the restructuring of the banking sector, the reform of the pension and labour reforms () but, although many of the reforms already underway, his forceful implementation is essential, Rehn said at a press conference. The Commissioner has ruled out that a special rescue program for Spain and Italy, whose risk premiums continue this Friday required in historic highs.

In the case of Spain, Rehn has pointed out that it is still necessary that reforms structural, as that of the banking system and the labour market reform, reaching term, but that both Spain and Italy are on track to meet its fiscal deficit for the coming year… Rehn also considered that, despite the tense conditions in the markets, the outcome of the auction of the Spanish public Treasury Bonds Thursday to three and four years, awarding 3.3 billion an interest of 4.90% and the 5.05%, respectively, has been relatively positive and that is a good sign. Tensions in the markets we’ve seen in recent days are simply not justified taking into account the economic fundamentals. They are not justified in the case of Italy. They are not justified in the Spain. Changes so dramatic in the markets are incomprehensible, said the Commissioner, who stressed that the economic situation in these two countries have not changed from night to day to provoke such a reaction.

Goya Awards

Clara Hdez. 20 m from the Academy of cinema in 1995 established the category best performer revelation, six children have won a Goya Award. Except Andoni Erburu (protagonist in secrets of the heart), the rest of winners has continued working in the interpretation. The Organization of the Goya has forbidden minors to opt for awards. In 1997, with 9 years, Andoni Erburu, the protagonist of the film secrets of the heart, became the younger actor in history to receive a Goya and the first child to climb onto the stage of that solemn gala to sustain, with trembling hands, a bronze statuette. Probably parents will remain for a long time, the interpreter of earlier age which walked on that stage.

Last Tuesday the Film Academy reported new rules that will govern the Goya Awards in 2012 and that expressly prohibit children under 16 years of age to choose one of their awards. Officials justify their decision with legal and social reasons: the winners become active members Academy, which implies no enforceable legal circumstances to a minor. Also here argue that an award may cause a series of external factors that determine your professional and personal development in a child. The measure has already provoked a flurry of reactions. Both Montxo Armendariz and David Trueba have been contrary to a rule that Freckle of paternalism. However, Trueba sees interesting to analyze what has happened to the kids who have won a Goya. In reality, only six children have succeeded in Spanish Cinema Awards trophy. And just another one, Manuel Camacho, came to being nominated by Entrelobos.

The number could have been higher, but until 1995 the Academy not established the category for best actor and actress, which opened the doors to the little ones. Many of these actors have continued with his artistic career.

Pablo Gomez

To avoid opportunists, the movement is considering restricting the Commission’s power and limited deliveries of food to the camps and the members of the commissions and working groups. Drugs. Narcotic drugs have also reached #acampadasol, where there have been cases of selling heroin, porros and anxiolytics, according to sources at the Commission on respect. We have come to have a woman with an overdose, they report from this Committee. Infrastructures. The campers recognize the risk of electrical wiring you are using and the need to find an alternative to the supply.

We switched off generators when it rains, but we must find solutions, emphasizes Pablo Gomez. Also linked to electricity is refrigeration of donated food. We cannot keep perishable food with this heat, say the organizers, that they are still asking for foods that do not require cold. Tiredness. After two weeks, sleeping at the satin fatigue begins to make a dent.

For this reason, Some have proposed rotations to allow that energies could be constantly renewed. There is physical fatigue, but that is no reason to abandon the camp, says Maria, he combines Camping with practices in an enterprise. Centralization. The campers are aware of that Sun has become a symbol of the protest but indicate the need for that time movement is de-centralized and extends to the rest of seats.The center of the fight are the assemblies, not Sun, insist the campers. Possible eviction. Police authorities have undertaken to maintain contact with us until Tuesday, then we do not know what can happen, explains Pablo Gomez, of the Commission’s communication. The fear of a possible police intervention has grown in recent days, after that the Councillor of Presidency, Francisco Granados, requested the eviction of the camps because the situation has degenerated and the rule of law has broken down. Simply to collect the camp would take a few days, underlines a young woman camping in the square, which believed that it would be necessary to make an inventory and a great compilation of all records that are not lost in the event of eviction. Complaints from businesses in Sun. Fear of police intervention is also enhanced with protests by traders from the Puerta del Sol area ask the delegation of the Government to move tab to end with a camping trip which, according to emphasize, has meant the fall of 70% of the turnover. Mass assemblies. Meetings of the campers are increasingly more followers. What in principle should be a positive point, symbol of a growing support for the movement, however, has made that decision-making becomes a sort of mission impossible. It is very difficult to arrive at a consensus in meetings involving 3,000 people, but I know that there are many people struggling to achieve a minimum consensus, said Juana, who just abandon the camp for personal reasons.My view is that the ultimate goal is fading away, adds. This lack of consensus makes also increasingly more difficult to agree on concrete proposals. So it could be verified this Sunday when the Assembly decided to continue with the camping, but without setting the date nor the way in which this should be dismantled. Source of the news: lack of consensus, insecurity, tiredness other side of camping in the Puerta del Sol