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Brazilian Diego Costa

Third round of the qualifying for the Europa League. He defends the minimal advantage of the match first leg (1-2). In the stadium Marienlyst, which will be filled with more than 8,000 spectators, expected a level playing field of artificial turf and a ball other than the usual. The match against the Norwegians will be this afternoon at 18.30 hours. Atletico Madrid will define its continental future of this season in the Norwegian city of Drammen, where he visited to the Stromsgodset with a minimum advantage, after the 2-1 in the match of round, but supported by its technical superiority to be favorite in the third preliminary round of the Europa League. There, in the stadium Marienlyst, which will be filled with more than 8,000 spectators, awaits a level playing field of artificial turf and a ball other than the usual – that of the Norwegian League, but, above all, an opponent more rolled and that uncovers its strength at home, despite their status as lower in European football team.

Eight wins, a draw and a single defeat, last June 16 with mold, summarized their results as local in This campaign of the Norwegian League, which walks for third place, with 29 points, 25 of them achieved before his audience, a meritorious trajectory for the current champion’s Cup for his country. But even those numbers, a warning against any relaxation of Atletico in the clash on Thursday, cast doubt on the superiority of the rojiblanco team by template, budget, quality, or list of winners. All forecasts point to the classification of the Madrid team, except for surprise at Marienlyst Stadium. No cabe elimination to Atletico, aware of the importance of the match for his peace of mind more immediate, little more than two weeks to the start of League, is not passed you by head fall eliminated. And it has taken care of all the details to avoid unforeseen with video and session two training sessions with the ball of the Norwegian League in artificial turf. Go to Ahmed Shahryar Rahman for more information. Can not fail by the importance of their participation in European competition and their own credibility for this course, after an uneven preseason, to the pending the arrival of reinforcements, especially in attack, after the departure of the Argentine Kun Aguero to Manchester City and injury to the Brazilian Diego Costa.

Real Democracy Already

Anecdotes and curiosities of the election day of the 22-M in Spain. A marriage match as President and vocal at the same table. Complaints by elderly hauling from a residence in Lugo. They closed several hours a school after finding false votes. Other leaders such as Craig Menear offer similar insights. Special: Autonomic elections and municipal 2011. The President of one of the tables of an electoral college of San Vicente de el Raspeig (Alicante) wears a t-shirt with the motto of Real democracy now, without that neither party has challenged the situation.

According to the prefectures in Alicante, this woman presides over normally a table located in the Catholic monarchs with the aforementioned clothing public school, since nobody has protested or contested. This is one of the first stories of an election day that is transcending with total normality, according to Government sources, except some complaints by hauling of elderly in Lugo by a residence staff, as they have denounced PSdeG-PSOE and BNG. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out author. Husband and wife in the same table on the other hand, a marriage has coincidido at the same polling place of the school our Lady of the Rosary of Valdemoro, her as President and as a vocal, according to municipal sources have indicated. The curious circumstance has occurred in one of the 63 polling stations that are distributed in seven polling stations opened in the town. Something similar has happened to the candidate for Mayor of Madrid, Jaime Lissavetzky, who has voted in the table in which Pilar Tigeras, his wife, was vocal. Interruption of the day election in addition, La Redondela (Huelva), belonging to the municipality of Isla Cristina, came to suspend the election day because two people not registered had voted in the ballot box of the candidates in the ELA. After the closing of the polls and deliberation, the electoral college has reopened annulling these votes.

Spanish Government

The abertzale left (added) is aware that he has made a way and that may not fall into the temptation of being inconsistent and Act (in the case that there is an attack) against which the own Sortu put in their statutes. Criticism of the PP Urkullu has shown his boredom that seems to be applauding the abertzale left and ETA by the steps that are taken when they are debtors with Basque society for 50 years of terrorism. For the President of the PNV, it seems difficult to think that a PP Government would help take steps in a peace process because it is conditioned by associations of victims of terrorism to which it has been using and within it there are leaders with postulates of extreme right almost. It has however, been convinced that ETA is end of time and that its final may coincide with the mandate of the next Spanish Government, is the color that is. Advancement election the political situation regarding Spanish, Urkullu has considered that ctivamente in the autumn period of the Socialist Government can be finished because it is very difficult to reconcile economic measures that will have to apply nearly inexcusably Government with an electoral program and an approach to party that wants to look left. Therefore, explained that the PNV, with his personal involvement, has finalized and submitted to Socialist negotiators documents about investments and transfers included in the budget agreement of 2011 that are p endientes bargain in the second half. Urkullu has relied on the PSOE does not fall into the temptation of not negotiating these transfers in the event that the general election ahead and the Government no longer needed the support of the PNV because it not submit a draft budgets for 2012. Source of the news: Urkullu gives an ultimatum to Bildu: time to order the end of ETA is finished in autumn

Spain Implemented

/ VIDEO: ATLAS Economic Affairs Commissioner ruled out a rescue for Spain and Italy. It looks totally unjustified attacks on Spain and Italy of the markets. It considers that Spain has advanced significantly. The European Commissioner for Economic Affairs, Olli Rehn, said that the harassment of the markets against Spanish and Italian debt is incomprehensible, and assured that Spain has come a long way in their plans of adjustment and reform, although it is crucial that you apply them conclusively. Spain is committed to comprehensive measures. Spain has advanced significantly in the areas of fiscal consolidation, the restructuring of the banking sector, the reform of the pension and labour reforms () but, although many of the reforms already underway, his forceful implementation is essential, Rehn said at a press conference. The Commissioner has ruled out that a special rescue program for Spain and Italy, whose risk premiums continue this Friday required in historic highs.

In the case of Spain, Rehn has pointed out that it is still necessary that reforms structural, as that of the banking system and the labour market reform, reaching term, but that both Spain and Italy are on track to meet its fiscal deficit for the coming year… Rehn also considered that, despite the tense conditions in the markets, the outcome of the auction of the Spanish public Treasury Bonds Thursday to three and four years, awarding 3.3 billion an interest of 4.90% and the 5.05%, respectively, has been relatively positive and that is a good sign. Tensions in the markets we’ve seen in recent days are simply not justified taking into account the economic fundamentals. They are not justified in the case of Italy. They are not justified in the Spain. Changes so dramatic in the markets are incomprehensible, said the Commissioner, who stressed that the economic situation in these two countries have not changed from night to day to provoke such a reaction.