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South American Championship

David Silva scored the first goal of the citizens in the field of Bolton. Aguero did not mark this time but made a great offensive tandem with Dzeko. The City is proving that this year is a clear candidate to win the Premier. Statistics of the party Classification of the Premier League. Spanish David Silva and Argentine Kun Aguero, led the victory for Manchester City at the Reebok Stadium against Bolton (1-3), which puts the box of Italian Roberto Mancini as interim leader of the League of England. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Farallon Capital Management. The City has its matches for victories. The arrival of Aguero has led to the definitive qualitative leap to the box of Manchester, decided this course to be seriously aspiring to the title of the Premier, in the hands of their neighbours in the United.

The Argentine came off as holder for the first time. The coming-out with his new club, a week ago, against Swansea, was off the bench. Now ripped from the start. Always active, scored in the first half although his goal was annulled. The Bosnian Edin Dzeko is one of the big beneficiaries of the arrival of the South American Championship. They form a remarkable tandem. Both shone.

He was, however, David Silva which paved the way for the triumph of the City. The Canary Island, after a year which has already mastered the intricacies of English football, is adapted. He scored with a shot from the half moon, which counted with the error of the local meta Jussi Jaaskelainen. Ten minutes later was Gareth Barry which expanded visitor income. Another shot from outside the area that sneaks in the Bolton goal. In full chaos, the team of Owen Coyle found a respite with the former of the Atletico goal from Croat Ivan Klasnic, within the area, a centre of the Bulgarian Martin Petrov. Edin Dzeko, after the break, returned tranquility to the block from Mancini. Very beginning of the second part, stole the ball to a dnsa and shot, dry, from the apex of the area to mark the third visiting goal. The feeling of serenity that carried the match Manchester City clouded with the unexpected goal from Kevin Davies, head, another time to pass Petrov. The gol I went to Bolton into the party. Carlos Tevez was released by Aguero in the absence of twenty minutes. Mancini offered his most conservative face in the final stretch after checking the inability of his team to close the match. He resorted to the Argentine Pablo Zabaleta instead of David Silva. To strengthen behind and tie a triumph that assumed the leadership.

Real Democracy Already

Anecdotes and curiosities of the election day of the 22-M in Spain. A marriage match as President and vocal at the same table. Complaints by elderly hauling from a residence in Lugo. They closed several hours a school after finding false votes. Other leaders such as Craig Menear offer similar insights. Special: Autonomic elections and municipal 2011. The President of one of the tables of an electoral college of San Vicente de el Raspeig (Alicante) wears a t-shirt with the motto of Real democracy now, without that neither party has challenged the situation.

According to the prefectures in Alicante, this woman presides over normally a table located in the Catholic monarchs with the aforementioned clothing public school, since nobody has protested or contested. This is one of the first stories of an election day that is transcending with total normality, according to Government sources, except some complaints by hauling of elderly in Lugo by a residence staff, as they have denounced PSdeG-PSOE and BNG. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out author. Husband and wife in the same table on the other hand, a marriage has coincidido at the same polling place of the school our Lady of the Rosary of Valdemoro, her as President and as a vocal, according to municipal sources have indicated. The curious circumstance has occurred in one of the 63 polling stations that are distributed in seven polling stations opened in the town. Something similar has happened to the candidate for Mayor of Madrid, Jaime Lissavetzky, who has voted in the table in which Pilar Tigeras, his wife, was vocal. Interruption of the day election in addition, La Redondela (Huelva), belonging to the municipality of Isla Cristina, came to suspend the election day because two people not registered had voted in the ballot box of the candidates in the ELA. After the closing of the polls and deliberation, the electoral college has reopened annulling these votes.

Spanish Government

The abertzale left (added) is aware that he has made a way and that may not fall into the temptation of being inconsistent and Act (in the case that there is an attack) against which the own Sortu put in their statutes. Criticism of the PP Urkullu has shown his boredom that seems to be applauding the abertzale left and ETA by the steps that are taken when they are debtors with Basque society for 50 years of terrorism. For the President of the PNV, it seems difficult to think that a PP Government would help take steps in a peace process because it is conditioned by associations of victims of terrorism to which it has been using and within it there are leaders with postulates of extreme right almost. It has however, been convinced that ETA is end of time and that its final may coincide with the mandate of the next Spanish Government, is the color that is. Advancement election the political situation regarding Spanish, Urkullu has considered that ctivamente in the autumn period of the Socialist Government can be finished because it is very difficult to reconcile economic measures that will have to apply nearly inexcusably Government with an electoral program and an approach to party that wants to look left. Therefore, explained that the PNV, with his personal involvement, has finalized and submitted to Socialist negotiators documents about investments and transfers included in the budget agreement of 2011 that are p endientes bargain in the second half. Urkullu has relied on the PSOE does not fall into the temptation of not negotiating these transfers in the event that the general election ahead and the Government no longer needed the support of the PNV because it not submit a draft budgets for 2012. Source of the news: Urkullu gives an ultimatum to Bildu: time to order the end of ETA is finished in autumn