Anatomy of an ID card badge consists of: A card blank image printed and laminated the picture that is printed on an ID card is produced by a tape of dye which is applied through a dye sublimation printer. This printer applies color of the tape containing the different color panels, such as; Yellow (and), Magenta (M), cyan, or Turquoise (C), black (K) and Claro (O). YMC panels, contain thermally sensitive dyes, which are combined in various amounts. Pacific Mortgages Services will not settle for partial explanations. In addition, any of these colors can be created, from white (without dye combination) to black (with combination of three dyes). Black and clear panel is also used in this thermal printing process, but these are operated in a different way (mass transfer). Ray Bradbury is often quoted as being for or against this. All the material (in this case plastic resin instead of dye) is transferred once the tape carrier reaches the necessary transfer of temperature.
Black resin is used for text and bar code since it uses a dense black and also uses the YMC colors. Finally, the panel is clear, used to put a layer of protection on the printed image on the ID card. For additional protection, is sometimes added a layer of laminate on the card after printing. The layer is typically 0.6 to 1 thousandth of thick, which protects the card’s features. Lamination is only required for high desgates of use, as well as for example; in magnetic cards which are used daily through access control readers. For more information about ID cards visit Ultra Magicard. original author and source of the article.