HUDSON, new YORK (Marketwire January 20, 2010) Taconic, one of the world leading providers of laboratory rodents, announced that it entered into an agreement for marketing and distribution of exclusive models of rats knockout produced by Transposagen Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. The agreement expands the diverse line of models that Taconic provides researchers and complements models custom and ready to use, including a broad deposit of knockout mice. Under the agreement, Taconic acquires worldwide rights to distribute a selection of models of rats Knockout TKO Tm of Transposagen, developed using mobile DNA technologies. The rats deposit currently includes approximately 100 models; Transposagen expressed his plans for expansion to 30,000 lines, finally providing a knockout every gene in the genome of the rat. The addition of tank rats knockout of Transposagen to the portfolio of leading Taconic transgenic models sector strengthens even more our ability to offer a wide range of sophisticated tools for the pharmaceutical and biomedical, research scientists said Kevin Leak, senior Vice President of Taconic customer relations.
As a global leader in the generation, characterization and distribution of laboratory research models, we are very excited to offer more options for many scientists who resort to Taconic as their preferred source of transgenic models, custom models and support services. Greater access to knockout rat models is vital to the success of drug discovery. For certain studies on mice rats, are preferred because their physiology is more similar to the human beings and their larger size makes imaging, sampling blood and surgery easier. However, the knockouts of rats have traditionally been difficult to develop, since the Rat Genome is not so amenable to genetic manipulation as the genome of mouse. To facilitate access to the researchers of Transposagen knockout rat models, Taconic modernized process for scientists and helps to advance your drug discovery. The models of rat Knockout TKO Tm of Transposagen complement the portfolio of a vast range of products of Taconic, offering researchers greater options in the selection of the most relevant model.