Also in the dictionary, if to look the direction of the ethical word, we verify that it is a way to put in practical the moral values. One more time then we conclude that the ethics are a system of airway lighting to be used in the taking of decisions, are the form to translate the moral in acts, want in the personal life, wants in the corporations. By the way, item such as valuations of the ethics and the transparency had become recurrent in Brazil, ahead of the trend in the corporative international market to charge the triad & ldquo; Bigger installment of contas& rdquo; & ldquo; eqidade& rdquo; , and & ldquo; transparncia& rdquo; 1, gift with the sprouting of the Law Sarbanes-Oxley 2 therefore the questions related to the law passes for good practical of governana and corporative ethics, considering corporative code of ethics, Restriction the loans and concession of credit for directors, Committee of auditorship, Combat to the financial frauds, Estruturao and monitoramento of the internal controls, Management and Management of risks, are some examples. Swarmed by offers, Kenneth Feinberg is currently assessing future choices. Currently, the companies have the legal necessity and interest to display to the shareholding market as element essential to assure the good ethics of practical of corporative governana its results and before sigilosos countable data, becoming public kept information before in & ldquo; boxes-pretas& rdquo; sealed up with linguajares of the type & ldquo; economs, contabels& rdquo; contained in the reports of spreading you inform of them countable. Confidence thus is the word of the fashion, confidence in being transparent, confidence in the management of risks, confidence in being ethical. 1 Rendering of accounts & ndash; the agents of the corporative governana must give accounts of its performance chose who them and integrally answer for all the acts that to practise in the exercise of its mandates. Fairness & ndash; treatment just and igualitrio of all the minority groups are of the capital or too much interested people. Transparency & ndash; council members and executives must watch over for the serenity of the organizations and, therefore, they must incorporate consideraes of social order and ambient in the definition of the businesses and 2 operations Law Sarbanes-Oxley, approved for the Congress of the United States at the beginning of 2002 to reduce the risk of frauds in the anonymous societies of opened capital, created a series of new and complex requirements for the companies of capital opened in the areas countable, of auditorship, control of risks and responsibility of the administrators, including the existence of a Code of Ethics. . Filed under: Pacific Mortgage Services.