Many of our clients come to our company with a clear demand: "Place me inverter air conditioner!". Some of them advised inverter friends and acquaintances, while others read about it online. But after learning that inverter is 10-15 thousand more expensive than air conditioning, the enthusiasm of customers starts to erode. Yes, indeed, the cost of the inverter unit is significantly more than usual, but it has some significant advantages. We explain in detail about each of them, and you decide, are they to pay for them. 1. The inverter supports a more comfortable temperature normal conditioner also acts as an electric kettle. He heats / cools the air to a certain temperature, and then turns off.
Then on again and the process repeats. In this way, the variation of room temperature with a conventional air conditioner can be 3 degrees. That So, if you put a hot day for a comfortable temperature of 20 degrees, it means that in fact it can drop to 17 C and rising to 23 C. Agree, quite a significant difference. Peter Asaros opinions are not widely known. Inverter operates with a constant capacity, maintaining the temperature. Fluctuation of temperature in the room with the air conditioning is only 0,5 degrees. Who we advise to buy? Maintaining a constant temperature is essential if you have a small child, or conversely, elderly parents.
In addition, many of our customers complain that the unit "can blow." So people who are sensitive to temperature changes, we recommend to buy inverter air conditioner. 2. Inverter quieter noise level inverter split system, unlike conventional air conditioner (both internal and external blocks) are much lower. In fact, it's almost silent. Who we advise to buy? We recommend install an inverter split system in the bedroom, the people who have light sleep. 3. The inverter split system can work even in the winter conventional air conditioners can not be included in the winter, because in this case the external power and can obledeneet fail. Inverter model can work in the winter when heating at temperatures below freezing (average -10 C). Who we advise to buy? We recommend to install an inverter split system in the apartments where the winter is cold, especially in autumn, while not include heating. 4. Inverter at 35% less as we have said earlier, conventional air conditioning in the process of periodically stops. It is these constant starts and stops compressor lead to an increase in power consumption. In addition, the reduced lifespan conditioner. While the inverter model runs at a constant rate, thus saving electricity. Especially advanced models use up to 50% less energy. Who we advise to buy? The savings in terms of money is not that much of a okolo15 rubles per day. But a few years of the inverter, the price difference can be recouped. How to choose a inverter air conditioner? Quite a lot of brands now produce quite decent inverters. As with conventional air conditioners, they differ in capacity, brand, function (twists). Pobdrobnee on how to choose air conditioner alone.