Regional Project

' It enters the duty of the truth and the responsibility coletiva' ' Word-keys of the discuros: allegiance, the Malikita rite, sustainable development, governana, the private initiative, the human democracy, rights, partner-economic and cultural freedom, solidarity, rights, poverty, exclusion, marginalizao, visits of field, evaluation, generalization, Integrated of the Regional&#039 Development; ' ; ' ' Main complexes porturios' ' ; ' ' chuvas' ' ; ' ' Green plan Marrocos' ' , ecology, ' ' ' ' wind; ' ' turismo' ' ; ' ' habitation sector, the job, social habitation, ' ' weak competitividade' ' , educao' ' ; ' ' to extend the base of the classroom mdia' ' ; ' ' integration of the Magrebe' ' , ' ' ' integrity territorial' ' ; ' ' Euro-Mediterrnico' ' ; ' ' autonomia' in the provinces of the south, the cooperation with Africa, ' ' Al-Quds' ' ; ' ' israelo-palestiniano conflict, ' ' ; ' ' resident Moroccans in estrangeiro' ' ; ' ' solidaridade ' Arabo-Islamic ' ' , ' ' promise divina' ' ; The real speech is a chance so that all the citizens if ahead raise of what the Head of the State underlined, in terms of accomplishments and perspectives. Particularly I am made an impression with the paper of the green project. The Head of State came back two times to emphasize pioneering carcter of such project. Ahead of the biggest obstacles for the advance of the projectos of the country, ahead of the competitiveness and the efforts engaged in the system globalizado, necessary to remodel an educational system in the edge of the ambitions. The responsibility, according to it, is collective. However, the head of State still said a word on the educational reform as a preoccupying question in such a way how much the territorial unit and national sovereignty. On this subject, the main obstacle to complete our territorial integrity is to free our citizens in the fields of Tindouf, in Algeria under the central power. .