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Europe's Problems Are Opportunities For Latin America

Far from decreasing, the problems in the European economy seems to be expanding. The crisis in Greece now is also a social crisis, while fears of contagion (in the economic and social) on other European countries in trouble (especially the rest of the PIIGs) are causing serious analyze Jean Claude Trichet monetize the debt of this group of countries which would imply a negative impact on the euro. This situation, beyond the fears that can cause logic in Latin American economies for the negative effects that could get through the financial channel and the real, can be used to attract investment. The region has an interesting growth potential supported, among other factors, changes in the global economy have boosted demand for commodities exported by the region. Is that the crisis in Europe shows that these economies are no longer what they used to be solid and attractive for investors has declined as they arose in the world other attractive regions such as the Asian continent (with China at the head), and a Latin America that this time he promises to take his chance. a Quizas the impact of the European situation is an incentive to go outside. Portucel recently expressed its intention to maintain interest in the investment project in Uruguay that would be the largest in our entire historiae , recognized the vice president of Uruguay, Danilo Astori. The Portuguese are evaluating the possibility of building a pulp plant and port in southeastern Uruguay.

With this investment, the Portuguese company would install a trash can would be more to the troubled Botnia, more than a headache it has brought to Uruguay by the reaction of Argentine citizens to be fitted on the River Uruguay. Although, according to ECLAC accounts, the 2009 has been a bad year for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Latin America (in reality it was a bad year for FDI in worldwide), when it registered a fall from 42% to reach U.S. $ 76,681, this international organization is expected anticipated that increased foreign investment in the region of between 40% and 50%. In this regard, ECLAC Executive Secretary Alicia Barcelona, highlighted the region as attractive for FDI: a America America remains a very important destination because it has first primary materials. Latin American countries increase FDI flows, but not only by the fact that in other regions the economic situation is bad. It must be recognized in the management of several of the countries of the region, which is working seriously to take this new opportunity presented in recent years pulsed external demand, especially for good price dynamics commodity. Economies like the Brazilian, Uruguayan and Peruvian economy has shown an interesting ability for growth and development, supported predictable and transparent economic policies, with respect for the rules. These predictable and transparent policies that carry out several of the economies of the region have resulted in a strengthening of key macroeconomic variables, with good prospects for growth in a context of price stability. Swarmed by offers, Kenneth Feinberg is currently assessing future choices.

All of the above, make you produce a more predictable scenario that allows investors to have a more precise estimate of the potential profitability of investment alternatives. Colombia is another Latin American countries that have guided its economic policy to the outside through the holding of a large number of Free Trade Agreements (FTA). But there on Wall Street that will grow your wealth in this year. Stocks with strong upside potential for 2010 are

Now Mortgage

If your home is a new building, the increase in your home’s value will be very serious. The math? 1.5 * 0.4 = 0.6 million rubles per year. Over 10 years: 0,6 * 10 = 6 million rubles. ” Now let us compare costs with the addition of value: 6-3,45 = 2.55 mln. Now we think we dispelled the myth of the expensive, because in reality, the mortgage – a profitable investment! Besides all these years you will live in his apartment, and will not pay the rent housing.

And, as opposed to the first misconception, is a polar view of the group of people: the mortgage – it is very affordable. Take it – and enjoy the benefits of free money! We hasten to call to your mind when you are fan of the idea. Before taking a mortgage, is to weigh all the pros and cons to think about their financial position for the duration of the loan repayment. Calculate it yourself! Do this several times, and then you will understand if you can pull the mortgage interest. There is another popular misconception, which is based on “awareness” of people that soon the mortgage will be very cheap. One has only to wait, and here they are cheap and easy to return the money! Have to disappoint you.

Sharp decline in interest will not. Interest rates on all loans that offer banks that are closely tied to the Central Bank refinancing rate, which in turn formed according to inflation. Now inflation in our country is quite high, to the same American liquidity crisis is not the best way possible impact on the domestic economy. There are other myths of mortgage. One of them is related to age, which is determined by the Bank in respect of borrowers. The average age of Russian borrower – 30 years. But do not think that if you’re 40-45, you will not be able to enter into mortgage relationship with the bank! You work, get a steady income, before the official retirement of more than 5 years? You definitely can count on getting a mortgage. But the possible conditions you better in the bank. More one serious error is associated with mortgage insurance. It is believed that it is not very profitable, expensive. Yes, of course, the insurance – it is a serious waste, but we can not say that this is an unnecessary expense. All people, to Unfortunately, maybe fortunately, it is not working arrangements, and can add up so that a person, which bears the burden of repayment mortgage loans, lost his ability to work. In this case, the insurance company to help. So, Insurance – a necessary item of expenditure. In any case, whether to take a mortgage, or not worth, it’s up to you. This question requires a delicate and balanced solutions. Well, as a result of events almost entirely dependent on the soundness of the preliminary analysis of your opportunities, because you only under the force correctly evaluate them! Therefore: The cool head, a calculator, a family council and clearly thought-out decision.