Granite window sills have provided many corresponding benefits care. Natural stone as a decorative design material again gaining ground in new buildings. A few years ago were high-gloss, cold and purist materials such as aluminium or steel in fresh domestic farmers should appear extremely popular in the fresh and elegant overall ambience the home. Natural materials such as wood or stone were required only in a small group of target, was probably the idea of parental Gelsenkirchen Baroque wall unit still in to fresh memories. Today, however, natural stone is once again chic. Seen from the outside you can see this trend window sills in new settlements increasingly on natural stone stairway before the House entrances or on granite. But be careful: not every stone is suitable for every use! “, know Ruslan Yeszhanov, owner of granite GmbH in Duisburg, to report. Limestone rocks, are more sensitive to moisture than granite such as, for example, marble,”says Yeszhanov next.
White margins, although can be removed relatively easily with acidic natural stone cleaners leave moisture, for example in the form of drops of rain on limestone rocks, but contained acid of the natural stone cleaner attacks in the long term the structure of the lime rock and makes him more and more matter and unsightly. Just window sills made of granite are therefore better than sills from limestone rocks”advises Yeszhanov. Granite window sills are better suited than granite window sills marble does not belong to the limestone rocks and is therefore generally less prone to moisture. Also, granite is resistant to household stress therefore kitchen countertops found in high-quality kitchens often granite. However, granite, like any natural stone, is permanently presentable without care. Like any natural product requires also granite of a regular care through appropriate natural stone cleaner”Yeszhanov adds. It is in the course of time in granite perfectly normal, Discoloration created window sills.” Daniel Yannoucos, second owner of granite, supplemented his partner: keep spreading the impurities suspended due to moisture in the capillaries of the natural stone and can be matte look of the granite.