In preparation for EURO 2012 in Ukraine is planned construction of 143 hotels. In the Kharkiv region, according to the end of July 2009, is the construction of 15 facilities the hotel business – in Kharkov, 13, Poltava 2. Taking into account the requirements of UEFA holding of Euro 2012 in Ukraine, there is an acute shortage of hotel categories 5.4 *. The best outcome in this situation may become apartments in Odessa, Kiev, Donetsk, the main driving force behind the development of the hotel industry is tourism. The number of foreigners who want to visit Ukraine and Kharkov, with increases every year, but the need for quality tourism services to meet until it turns out.
Among economic and socio-political factors that hinder the development of tourism in general in Ukraine and Kharkiv in particular, may provide the following: 1) Lack of tourism infrastructure: the lack of tourist offices, signs, tourist guidebooks and maps in foreign languages, and 2) lack of advertising of Ukraine abroad as a country of interest to tourists, and also advertising individual events, 3) The decline of investment activity in the second half of 2008 caused the destabilization of the currency market and the precarious situation in all sectors of the economy. Unstable political and economic situation has led the process of folding development plans in the territory of Ukraine of major European investors. Basically, the crisis will affect the timing of implementation and on the emergence of new projects. Most of the rooms, scheduled for delivery, will be included in a multifunctional complex. Given the situation on the hotel market, more and more popular are the apartments in Dnepropetrovsk, Crimea apartments, apartments for rent in Donetsk Sumac, and other major Ukrainian cities. At the moment, this business has become increasingly popular and allows visitors to the city to get all the same services as a hotel, but for less.
Market saturation is not predicted before 2012 year. And with him and the likely decrease in the prices of hotel services. It is expected the construction of high quality projects of hotels in cities hosting EURO 2012, as well as the growing interest of international hotel chains in the development of hotels middle class in Ukraine. Kharkov, being one of the main contenders to host the Euro 2012, is actively preparing. The program involved training of some 70 objects, which will provide an EURO 2012.