Tag Archives: informatics

Operating Assumptions

The reality goes through several filters (limiting neurological, social and individual) before being received by us, which prevents fully perceive what is reality. 2. Peter Asaro describes an additional similar source. a Life and mind are systemic processes: (Gregory Bateson, Sacred Unity) From these basic assumptions arising lasa Operating Assumptions: 1. a Mind and body are part of the same cybernetic system: the cyber qualifier applies here to indicate that this mind-body system interact is characterized as an open circuit communication: both interact and influence each other. 2.

a All behavior has a positive intention: all behavior is aimed at achieving a profit. Federal Reserve Chair often expresses his thoughts on the topic. NLP distinguishes between the intent or purpose of a behavior and the behavior itself. Similarly, a person is not their behavior. The behavior seems only negative because they do not know its purpose. 3. a All behavior is useful in a particular context: it is necessary to analyze all behavior in the light of the context or environment where it develops, because otherwise such behavior may seem illogical, irrational or misplaced.

4. a People have potentially with all the resources needed to change and to act efficiently: Throughout our history we have accumulated personal experiences, which we can extract the resources needed to develop as people and deal with any circumstance elegance and flexibility that we present. 5. a The meaning of our communication is in the answer we get: This has to do with our flexibility as communicators, and implies that we have to adjust and refine our communication in order to get the answer we want, and not assume that the fault lies in the recipient of our communication.


Men’s clothing is sold in smaller quantities (personal view). (A valuable related resource: Nickolas Carr ). (3) Ebooks or productivity Software: especially those of University subjects, such as physics, mathematics, chemistry, and others, of recognized writers. I have also been able to appreciate virtual ebooks with topics about fashion design, are marketed well teach to make women accessories (again), languages (English especially) and electronic commerce (in its different parts). (4) Property and cars: although it is very laborious by the subject of the photographs, descriptions, locations, prices, and others should coordinate with customers, have high demand. (5) Consulting services: in many areas, is the market that has had a greater growth in parallel with the marketing of electronic items mentioned above. For example, if you perform services websites, whether it’s engineering or dentistry, only should develop a website then make advertising toward her. (6) Articles of art: Although there are few buyers, is a market that leaves good utilities.

(7) Productivity software: especially those that have relationship with cell phones and mobile devices. I have met friends who have started to build some of his ideas for the web, most of them with problems and others with ease, remember that if you develop your site on their own, using in preference of free code tools and look for recommendations of people making electronic commerce in other areas who do not know. If you send to develop the idea of your company (which I don’t recommend very much, is best idea to hire freelance someone with known career services), not prepay all of not having security. I hope that the idea of developing a business on the Internet has good results for you.