Elevator cars, elevator scissors, Navy excavator of tires, desmontador of balancing wheels and " is the products star of Prestige Lift" between many others that we took distributing more ago than 10 years in different countries worldwide. It is by this, that Prestige Lift makes your available the following informative article at the time of buying an elevator for car and factory or machine of wheels 1. That it is an elevator of cars? We understand like elevator of cars, all that one machinery in charge to facilitate the action able to raise or to lift all type of vehicles for its later access to the zones inferiors. 2. Types of elevator Within all the types of elevators of the cars, most common are: Elevator of car two Elevating columns of car four Elevating columns scissors 3. Basic uses applied to the vehicles.
Each type of vehicle elevator, fulfills a different requirement according to the manipulation that is wanted to use in the car. No type of elevator is better than another one, if no, the activity is known clearly main that we are going to need. It is by this, that the greater user as far as sales of elevators is mainly mechanics, and these are made for uses in repair shops and automotion. 4. I want to buy an elevator for cars? That elevating one adjusts better to his activity? Mainly, we must consider several factors at the time of looking for announcements of elevators.
It does not concern costs. These are included/understood in three groups: – Group A: Elevators for factories of general mechanics (all the pieces and parts of a vehicle. – Group B: Elevating factories of for maintenance services and fast inspection – Group C: – Elevating for factories to align directions and works in these. 5. Elevator according to group: Elevator of 2 columns Group A: Elevator of 2 Elevating columns of cars (2 Columns) or also call elevating Bridge two columns These is the main elevator of cars that we can find in all the mechanical factories expanded by everybody, by the maximum yield and accessibility that offers at the time of repairing or serving complete.