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The Muslim In Obama

Jose Brechner is the head of the Nation of the Islam. Louis Farrakhan, known like Black Hitler by its racist commentaries, said that Barack Obama is the hope of the entire world. The official spokesman of Obama, Bill Burton, immediately talked back sometimes that his candidate objects the commentaries made by Farrakhan, and did not ask for its support to him. Others who may share this opinion include Alabama Senator. Obama is trying to move away of which was their mentors and companions, looking for to hide to its controversial past and true Islamic identity. Lamentably, to obtain it would have it to make disappear to all relatives and friendly of childhood. Barack Hussein Obama was a devotee Muslim, son of a devotee Muslim, adoptive son of a devotee Muslim, and the grandson of a devotee Muslim, whose Hussein name was inherited by him. One register in the school like Muslim, and demonstrated his ability to loar to Wing with impressive Arab accent, still being adult.

Its Christianity is pure cover to fulfill its dream gilded to arrive at President of the United States. Ambition that it nourishes from boy. The evidences rescued by journalist Reuven Koret, are significant, because they reveal the face hidden of great lying actor: Barack Hussein Obama. All the children in Indonesia are forced to learn the Islamic religion, which implies to study and to recite verses of the Corn. According to She dyes Hahiyary one of the teachers of Obama and director of her school from 1971 to 1989, Obama participated actively in the classes on Islam. Mengaji studied, the recited one of the Koran in Arab instead of in the local language, custom practiced solely by the most fervent Muslims. Those that handles the campaign of Obama said to the L.A. Times, that it was not Muslim medical instructor. His website official says: Obama never was Muslim and is a Christian.

Allan Kardec

Allan Kardec? French professor of Arithmetic? Researcher of Astronomy and the Magnetism. FULFILLED MILLENARIAN PROPHECIES Distribute between itself my vestments and on my tnica they lie down luck. Book of the Salmos, CAP. 22:18. ' ' The Espritos announces that the times marked for the Step for a universal manifestation had arrived and that, being they them Ministers of GOD and the agents of its will, have for mission to instruct and to clarify the men, opening a new was for the regeneration of Humanidade' '. Allan Kardec? French professor of Arithmetic? Researcher of Astronomy and the Magnetism. FULFILMENT OF WRITING 23? The soldiers, therefore, when JESUSES crucificaram, had taken vestments to it and had made four parts, for each soldier a part; had also caught the tnica. The tnica, however, was without sewing.

All weaveeed of high the low one. 24? They had said, therefore, some to the others: Let us not tear it, but let us launch luck on it to see to who will fit _ to mark the Writing: They had distributed between itself my vestments and on my tnica they had launched luck. Evangelho de JESUS according to Joo, CAP. 19:23 and 24. ' ' For me, a man is a man, this only! I measure its value for its acts, its feelings, never for its social status.

It belongs to the highest layers of the society, if he acts badly, if he is egoistic and negligent of its dignity, is, my eyes, inferior to the worker who proceeds correctly, and I squeeze more cordial the hand of a humble man, whose heart I am to hear, of what of one ruler whose chest emudeceu. It heats the first one me, second me enregela' '. Allan Kardec? French professor of Arithmetic? Researcher of Astronomy and Magnetism. 37 JESUSES WARNING – Jerusalem, Jerusalem, that bushes the Prophets and you lapidate to they had been sent whom you! How many times I wanted to congregate your children, as the hen underneath gathers its pintinhos of the wings, and you you did not want it! 38? Here it is that your house will be desert.