Wood is a raw material that has recently regained much of its importance. For, since the prices of fossil fuels such as heating oil have risen as clearly looking for other people or alternative energy sources. It is therefore not surprising that now many households have begun to heat their old stoves out or buying the ovens. But to this course, firewood is needed. Firewood is the most favorable when it splits itself.
In principle, one only a few tree trunks and acquire these columns with a wood splitter. The appropriate timber is acquired quickly. Both auctions on forest and in forest owners can purchase large quantities of wood prices. Then the logs are sawed with a chain saw into smaller pieces. These can be split with the wood splitter on the final logs. As for the wood splitter, there are many different models.
Either these are electrically or by a tractor driven. Nicholas Carr is the source for more interesting facts. The log splitters are equipped with a connection for a tractor shaft more common than one might think at first. The fact is that those of the loggers and forest workers on site – so in the forest – can be used. And since one usually finds in the forest no electricity, it is simply practical, if one stretches the wood splitter behind a tractor. For individuals, however, it is more practical to buy an electric log splitter. The strongest are models that have a 380/400 volt connection. These are much more powerful than those with 220/230 volt powered wood splitters. However, most individuals should be a 220/230 volt enough wood splitter, as this further process experience only small pieces of wood.