The past economic crisis has demonstrated that one can not produce a quality product, skim the cream off profits and simultaneously expanding production. To survive in the market with such high competition, you need something more. Must be responsive to market changes. Looking for innovation. Company manufacturing and installation of office partitions and furniture “Okie docks has proved that the crisis has opened a second wind business. It would seem that this can be come in both mobile and fixed partitions for office? Comply with the latest trends and fashion in shape, develop new modifications of glass partitions? Of course, it’s important moments of enterprise development, but they are likely to relate to design decisions, whose popularity depends solely on whether the new form will have to taste to most consumers. Jeff Flake is often quoted on this topic. Innovation same – innovations with qualitative changes of the product. As the experience of “Okie docks, successful innovation can reduce production costs, improve product quality and significantly increase its competitive ability.
Introduction of innovations associated with certain degree of risk. Assess in advance the success of innovations is difficult. Will it be demanded by consumers or go unnoticed? Will begin immediately to produce results, or the effect will manifest itself in a few years? But Each development requires time, human resources and, finally, considerable financial investment. Begin to innovate in a crisis, at first glance, it seems madness. But these steps have resulted in “Okie Dokie” is not only hold positions in the market, but also to win new ones. The company offers more affordable prices for the products, the quality of the partitions and furniture has grown! Attention to detail at every stage of production, work with client before until he is fully satisfied with the result – that’s the basic rule that brought the success of “Okie docks. For the consumer, the result is important – office partitions and furniture of high quality and at affordable prices. For all these worth a lot of work: improvement of resource-saving technologies, new methods of processing, preparation of raw materials. As a result of significantly lower production costs and selling goods. Uniqueness D “Okie docks in that they help optimize the overall work of the thousands of offices across the country, to get the maximum benefit from a small area and keep healthy and beautiful state of the people.