Biodiversity Campaign

Economic value of biodiversity is several hundred billion dollars of the Bonn party of sustainable forest investments forest finance participates actively in the European “business and biodiversity”-part campaign. Add to your understanding with Gen. David L. Goldfein. These wants more to illustrate the economic importance of biodiversity and also attract companies for the more active conservation and protection of ecosystems. Forest finance was inducted as one of a few companies in the “community” of the “business & biodiversity” campaign. Among other things, forest Finance performs a comprehensive biodiversity-check. Biodiversity-check for companies: the check offers a first individual overview on the subject of biodiversity and thus a basis, relatively easy to integrate this theme in operational management. Check the business & biodiversity campaign itself captures the impact of entrepreneurship on the biological diversity and is based on the objectives of the UN Convention on biological diversity. More information and details on the biodiversity-check for You will find company here: types sterben costs every year hundreds of billion of euros: several studies have shown impressive substantial costs of the destruction of plant and animal species of humanity.

So has a financial value of 110 billion euros alone the pollination by insects, revealed the latest TEEB report (the economies of ecosystems and biodiversity). The study gives a specific monetary value ecosystems and calls upon States to include these values in national accounts. Study shows high biodiversity in forest Finance forests: forest finance searches on species-poor Brach and pastures with species-rich mixed forests sustainably. This multiplies the number of species within a short time. A study on the biodiversity of the forest Finance forests in las Lajas, Panama finished in the high biodiversity. The variety of plants, as well as the acceptance of animals is greater thanks to the concept of the mixed forest, as in conventional orchards. The study was conducted with the award of the Munich-based Forest science society awarded.

What Is Planning

Obviously, the planning – it is an activity that is relevant to the future. Therefore, you must first understand the relationship of the past, present and future. The past – it is materializing the future, that is all that occurs, appears first on a subtle level – in the future. Present – is a process of transition of the future into the past. If we compare the time with a pond, the air – the future of the water – the past. Now the same – this is the place where the water connects to the air, it is only our perception of the Rays game on a thin film of the past, bordering the future. Thus, we are constantly witnessing the process of materialization of the future – turning it into the past. For something to appear in the material world, it is necessary to ensure that relevant changes took place in the future. Such changes – and there is planning. This implies that the planning – is the foundation of any human activity, that is, before action is executed, it will be.

The question arises: why do not all desires are fulfilled, why not all the plans materialize? This is because only 1% of what exists on the higher plane, can be realized. A ‘Competition’ maintains only the most sincere desire is the most clear and thoughtful plan. Of all the above, the following conclusions. The foundation of any business is planning. Without planning can not be any action. Planning requires full concentration on the goal, a sincere desire to achieve it. Otherwise, it will materialize over a strong desire to subject planning. For example, a manager has a strong desire for personal enrichment. If it exceeds the desire for prosperity of the enterprise, the whole effect of the organization will be reduced to a chic atmosphere of the headmaster’s office and his luxury car. Planning – an ongoing process. Any business requires a stable job.

Hence, planning should also be stable. That is human desire to achieve your goal should prevail over all his other desires constantly. If this will not happen, the planned activities will be subject to crises that do not allow the company to achieve great success. Now it becomes clear why people who have reached outstanding results in their work, opening at times came at the worst, at first glance, the time (remember Archimedes, who made the discovery, plunging into the bath). Just to be successful, you must continuously plan their activities. As such, we can talk about planning, if a person allows himself to occasionally have a drink ‘to discharge’ – this weakness will inevitably lead to a decline thereafter, manifested in the activity. Planning for the 99% linked to the future and by 1% – with the past. Thus, when planning prevails striving for a goal, rather than study their past mistakes. We give a definition based on these findings. Planning – is continuous mental determination towards achieving a specific goal.

Labeling PACC

Appearance of the goods is important for the customer. The quality of the produced packaging affects not only the safety of the product, but also on its presentable. Progress is far advanced packaging process. Unchanged is the presence of labeling in packaging. Labeling by hand – it's monotonous and tedious work.

Resolving this issue is the emergence of the labeler. All the tedium and monotony labeling assume intelligent machines. One of these machines is a universal Labeling PACC-3000EU. This labeling machine company has released a 'PACC'. Labeler is designed for self-adhesive labels on the product. The machine is easily reconfigured by any of the products and the required conveyor speed.

Built-dater does the date on the label before sticking it. The composition of the product may include: the composition of products can include: a device for applying labels (adhesive) + dater, rack, conveyor, remote control, sensor product availability. Possible execution of best samples: left, right, top. The device operates without requiring permanent human presence. If there is a customer of its pipeline etikerovschik can be built into the system without full-time pipeline. Drive dater – electromechanical, but can be replaced by air. Machine speed is adjustable. Basic Options: Etikerovschik pacc – 3000EU a conveyor belt. Rama . Instruction manual, spare parts.

Benzene Overview

Benzene (C6H6, PhH) – an aromatic hydrocarbon. Included in the gasoline, widely used in industry is a feedstock for the production of drugs, various plastics, synthetic rubber, dyes. Benzene – a the most common chemicals and the most common aromatic compound. In the bulk plastics around 30% in rubber and latex – 66% of synthetic fibers – up to 80% are aromatic hydrocarbons, which is the ancestor of benzene. Benzene is a member of crude oil, but on an industrial scale for the most part is synthesized from its other components. Product features and specifications Benzene – a colorless liquid with a distinctive smell blurred. The melting temperature – 5,5 C, boiling point – 80,1 C, density – 0.879 g / cm , molecular weight – 78.11 g / mol.

With air form explosive mixtures, blends well with ethers, gasoline and other organic solvents with water forms a mixture with a boiling temperature 69,25 C. Water solubility 1.79 g / l (at 25 C). Toxic, Dangerous for the environment, flammable. Benzene composition refers to the unsaturated hydrocarbons (homologous series CnH2n-6), but unlike a number of hydrocarbons of ethylene C2H4, under stringent conditions exhibits properties typical of saturated hydrocarbons are more prone to substitution reactions. Properties of benzene explained by the presence in its structure, the conjugate -electron cloud.

Transport of benzene is carried out in tank cars and tank trucks, barges and in metal drums. Pumping from one vessel to another occurs in a closed system, since benzene is toxic. Depending on the technology are different brands of benzene. Benzene oil produced in the catalytic reforming of gasoline fractions catalytic hydrodealkylation toluene and xylene, as well as in the pyrolysis of crude oil. Depending on the technology and use the following marks of petroleum benzene: highest purification, purified and for synthesis. The standards for grades are regulated by GOST 9572-93. GOST 8448-61 applies to coal and shale benzene, obtained during thermal processing of coal and shale. Available in two grades: the synthesis and for nitration. Benzol coal is a mixture containing 81-85% of benzene, toluene, 10-16%, 1-4% of xylene. The impurity content is not regulated. GOST 5955-75 corresponds to benzene as a chemical reagent, applied in laboratories. C the current situation and outlook for the Russian market of benzene can be found in the report of the Academy of IKAR industrial markets "Market benzene in Russia."

Samsung Wave

Samsung Wave – this is the first phone, the screen is made of technology Super AMOLED. Its diagonal – 3.3 inches and a resolution of 480 800 pixels. At Nokia N8 with diagonal 3.5 "screen resolution of 360 640 pixels, the HTC Desire – 3,7" and 480 800, the Apple iPhone 4 – 3.5 "640 960, respectively. If the technical parameters competitors can compete with the Wave, then the brightness and saturation Flowers will lose, regardless of external conditions. Even in bright sunlight can not only read text, but to fully enjoy all the shades of the image – they practically do not fade. Above the screen is front camera for video and subtle ambient light sensors and proximity (as well as the Nokia 5800). First task is clear – it automatically adjusts screen brightness according to lighting conditions. Sensor approximation works during the conversation.

One has only to push the phone against the head is 10-20 inches, as the backlight, and is unlock the screen. This is very handy when you need to carry out extension dial, For example, in the voice menu during a call to the operator. Call display Samsung Wave best on the market is not an exaggeration. To see the difference is enough to compare the behavior of this screen to display HTC Desire, performed by technology the previous generation. The difference is colossal. The same can be said about the viewing angles: shades are not distorted at any angle. Do not want to abuse the emotions, but the screen does leave a lasting impression nothing of the kind of mobile phones we are not ever seen.

Inexpensive Pharmaceutical Drugs

It turns out that about 40% of incoming plant material to the company shall be rejected and sent back to the supplier. Where do you think then it is rejected raw materials? Released? Actually, no. It goes to those producers who do not care from which raw materials to make their products. We can only guess why it is possible to find drugs in pharmacies at the price of cheap packs of tea. d-innovation-300470991.html’>Financial technology may find this interesting as well. What effects will the product? Hard to say. It is good if no harm. By studying the documentation further, revealed that the company NSP one of very few manufacturers with an international quality certificate GMP. Get a GMP certificate is incredibly difficult.

In our country, such attempts attempted, but never managed to fulfill all items of certification. International production quality certificate GMP: a guarantee that the package is exactly what it says on the label, a guarantee that the product produced by the latest technology best, it is a guarantee that the product is made of superior and environmentally friendly raw materials. International manufacturing quality certification requires the manufacturer to GMP compliance with the rules and conditions described in nine volumes, each of which has a capacity of about a thousand pages! For example, you need to grow medicinal plants in a very remote from industrial centers of the region. Terms GMP quality certificate required to have at the plantation lab, which constantly monitors the purity of the soil, air and even reaching over the plantation of the clouds. And if a suitable for plantations to be found toxic cloud substance, such a cloud is scattered by the most distant approaches to the place of cultivation of medicinal plants. That's what a quality certificate GMP! All nine volumes of an incredible company requirements performs NSP! Of course, there are other international certifications, such as, ISO. But their quality requirements are much lower than those of GMP. And compare the ISO and GMP – it's like trying to compare 'Zaporozhets' with 'Mercedes'. Those who use NSP products they know: The value of this production is much higher than its price!

Gestalt Therapy

Not understanding at first, which means the word “gestalt”, it will be difficult to understand what is gestalt. The word “Gestalt” has a German origin and means “take the form”, specifically in our case – a combined indivisible whole factors and events, endowed with appearance. Gestalt psychology, as naphthalene in psychological science began to develop in the early twentieth century. The main provision of this trend – the perception of defined a set of individual, not as komponentov.V process of becoming a new direction is nothing less than a mark on the philosophy of that time and left its mark in the modern world – a man responsible not only for their own actions, but also for the way he perceives the world around him. Gestalt psychology, founded by Fritz Perls, has provided new insight into the human body and look at it as aggregate, which is not under any circumstances, can be divided into parts and components. Gen. David L. Goldfein wanted to know more. Gestalt therapy does not imply the existence of an autonomous body and soul, and tries to deny it. The basis of such therapy put the balance between the needs of the organism and the surrounding factors vozdeystviya.trebuchet attention the fact that Gestalt therapy – an approach based on long-term study and wide experience, although he still is an experimental course.

Using Gestalt psychology, the task to its founding lies in increasing awareness of human rights and achieving the greatest possible harmony considering all the criteria that will reflect personal experiences, and establish a strong and high quality contact with the surrounding reality. Gestalt therapy, what is its purpose? Initially – this is the true path that will lead to greater self-awareness, understanding processes of the body, knowing his feelings, wishes and feelings of certainty. Interpersonal relationships provide us with the necessary assistance. Gestalt therapy gives patients new powers and the ability to control their behavior. Based on all the possibilities of your true “self.” Gestalt therapy – dull technology to enable the development of the method worked out by an individual approach to kazhomu private entity. Immediately have to put up with terms of impact, which could take months or even years.