Let us wake up! 2. Social division of the Work & Distribution of Tasks. The division of the work determines the relation between the individuals, itself, and with the material. It was thus since primeva (first) form of property human being, who if can verify in the tribal organization until the estamental. It wants to say, the effective division of the work happened when worked it was broken up it manual of the intellectual. With other words, the execution of the conception, in the way of effectively capitalist production.
In the manufacture already an exploration existed, however, the alienation that in it we find is of the body, because the necessary worker of its to know, of unitria form, for the execution of its work, what later, in the fordismo, for example, will not be a reality, because in this system he has a true unfamiliarity, on the part of the laborer, of the central reason of its work, certainly of the function of its work inside of the set of the company. Example: It only knows to manufacture part x, he does not understand function y and mechanisms z that it will cross it will play. Project: 1.Classificao and distribution of the employees according to its aptitudes. 2.Organizao of the work process 3.Perpertuao of the hierarchic structure and the social relations of the capitalists 4.O technician-scientific knowledge is not neutral, and being thus it favors the conditions and forms of exploration and alienation of the proletarian 5.O technician-scientific knowledge will go to inside strengthen the separation between execution and conception of the work, accenting the alienation. 6.A social division of the work, in the capitalism, if of the one in the exchange between individual and independent capitalists 7.Em the division of the work in the production, no individual worker produces a merchandise 8.A division of the work in the seio of the production estimates the distribution of the means of production as private property capitalist it 9.A division it work in the production is planned, regulated and supervised by the capitalist.