Tag Archives: philosophy

The Tribe

The destruction of this form operation could not be otherwise than by men, the fact of awareness of their operation, awareness of methods of struggle for the abolition of exploitation, as well as awareness of the (opening) a more equitable form of distribution of wealth – the distribution of labor. Awareness is through the discovery of all this knowledge to individual consciousness and their spread in the men’s teams, where there are their leaders, promoting new relations of production, which, naturally, could not develop in the old dialectic form – the authority of the mother. In connection with it begins a power struggle which gave birth to such customs as separate settlement men and women, male and female secret societies, secret languages (2). If you would like to know more about Primerica Login, then click here. Men are having a great advantage – the production of basic goods of life, gaining authority in the tribe. Establish new relations of production, giving rise to usages of “voluntary death” elderly parents, killing young children in difficult periods of life of the tribe (3).

That is the root principles: who does not work – do not eat. In and all other tribes, where natural division of labor led to exploitation of men by women, matriarchy gave way to patriarchy much later, namely during the birth of predatory expeditions of tribes against each other, ie Again, at a time when men have become “producing” by robbery essentials.

School Environment

Or, what she is worse, one strong expectation in the professors and students was created and, in the execution of the project if it evidences that everything is on this side of minimum dreamed. From there in them they come some investigations: until point if intends, effective improvements in the pertaining to school environment? This project, that in I begin is a wonder, was born as reply to the expectations of professors and students or to only satisfy the ego of some bureaucrat what desires to prove something exactly itself? How the professors will work with these machines, a time that any work with technology demand preparation time, and the professors always are overloaded of lessons? does not try engambelar saying in them that vestibules exist, domnios with ' ' lessons prontas' '. This sounds George Orwell (valley the penalty to read 1984), therefore the Great Brother is that it had everything planned all to execute. Follow others, such as Home Depot, and add to your knowledge base. It seems us that to the professor the process of the creation fits what depends on time. At these first moments of the implantation of the project we are with the impression of that somebody launched the ideas. But one did not consult those that really will have that for the hand in the mass.

Why the professors are not consulted to install and to implement new projects? From fear of collections or why is not wanted that the project of positive results? We are not denying the innovation necessity. But it must be made with suggestions of who is in the base of the process. Exactly being a project pilot or, better saying, exactly for being a pilot, it has that to hear the bases and to use minimum efficient equipment! Neri de Paula Sheep? Master in Education, Philosopher, Theologian, Historian. He reads more: ; ; ;

The Market

After this brief characterization of the constituent elements of the desire of filosofar, a constatao if imposes: the world contemporary, our world sunk in a imediatista pragmatismo, is opposing to the desire of to filosofar. It denies and if he opposes vehemently to the four components of the philosophy desire. Our society, will say Badiou, does not like the revolt nor of the critical one. ' ' It is a world that believes in the management and the natural order of the things It asks for to each one to adapt itself. Individual&#039 is a world of the simple calculation; '. (BADIOU, 1994, P. 48).

Our world is avesso to the rational coherence, is submitted to the logic of images and signs that simulate the Real. This world of the images, world of the media, is instantaneous and incoherent. It is a world very fast without memory, ephemeral and fugaz. For more information see this site: Dennis Lockhart. Where the only permanence is the impermanncia. In such world of the images, it is very difficult to support a logic of the thought. Another constituent element of the desire of filosofar that it loses space in our society is the universality, a time that the only universality that it knows is of the money, the universality what Marx called general equivalent.

It are of the universality of the market and of the currency, it supports Badiou, each one is locked up in its tribe. Each one defends its particularitity. In our world the false universality of the capital is opposed to the ghetto of the cultures, the classrooms, the races, the religions. (Cf. BADIOU, 1994). Paradoxicalally, at the same time where we attend the globalization of the market laws, demands of groups and etnias emerge demanding bigger social insertion with respect its particularitities and differences. That is, the requirement of ethics of the diversity and singularidades is each bigger time that place in check the man vision, while subject and abstract universal reason in relation which if can referenciar certain imperatives, rights and duties, also had as universal.


Let us wake up! 2. Social division of the Work & Distribution of Tasks. The division of the work determines the relation between the individuals, itself, and with the material. It was thus since primeva (first) form of property human being, who if can verify in the tribal organization until the estamental. It wants to say, the effective division of the work happened when worked it was broken up it manual of the intellectual. With other words, the execution of the conception, in the way of effectively capitalist production.

In the manufacture already an exploration existed, however, the alienation that in it we find is of the body, because the necessary worker of its to know, of unitria form, for the execution of its work, what later, in the fordismo, for example, will not be a reality, because in this system he has a true unfamiliarity, on the part of the laborer, of the central reason of its work, certainly of the function of its work inside of the set of the company. Example: It only knows to manufacture part x, he does not understand function y and mechanisms z that it will cross it will play. Project: 1.Classificao and distribution of the employees according to its aptitudes. 2.Organizao of the work process 3.Perpertuao of the hierarchic structure and the social relations of the capitalists 4.O technician-scientific knowledge is not neutral, and being thus it favors the conditions and forms of exploration and alienation of the proletarian 5.O technician-scientific knowledge will go to inside strengthen the separation between execution and conception of the work, accenting the alienation. 6.A social division of the work, in the capitalism, if of the one in the exchange between individual and independent capitalists 7.Em the division of the work in the production, no individual worker produces a merchandise 8.A division of the work in the seio of the production estimates the distribution of the means of production as private property capitalist it 9.A division it work in the production is planned, regulated and supervised by the capitalist.

The Nation

From there the politically correct language appeared. The basic rule of this language is never to use a word that humiliates, discriminates or jeers of algum' '. It will be that in the age Obama they go to invent ' ' Foot in the Presidncia' ' , to mention to the blacks and American mulatos of today? The social origin is another factor that generates had commentaries as ' ' inofensivos' ' , but cruel. The Nation that would have to be proud of its social mobility, is same that picha the proper President of mechanical torneiro, half-illiterate. With regard to the house servants, already I arrived to hear: – Mine ' ' criadagem' ' it does not enter for the social elevator! the complacncia with regard to the callings, insults, for humilhantes times, directed the homosexuals? The terms become wormy, bichona, frutinha, biba, ' ' viado' ' , maricona, boiola and a infinity of nicknames, despertam laugh.

Who is imported with the offensive potential? Woman is queen in day eight of March. When if atreve to face the transit, and dislikes the masculine code, hears frequent: – It only could be woman! Ei, owner Maria, its place is in the tank! Depending on the tone of the hair, demonstrations of disinformation or lack of intelligence, immediately are imputed to a certain feminine type: – It only could be blond! If the form to manage the proper money is to save very and to spend little: – It only could be Jewish! The same superficiality in approaching the characteristics of a people if applies the Arabs. Here, all they turn Turks. Who accumulates extra kilos is reason of chacota of the type: cork of well, polpeta, almndega, whale Taste very of the Biblical saying, legacy of the Christianity: ' ' The evil is not what it enters, but what it leaves the mouth of homem' '.