For better clarification of what it represents Rurpolis for Brazil and, mainly, for the region of the Tapajs, is necessary to retake some aspects of the Construction of the Transamaznica and, currently, to approach the question of the tarring of BR 230 and 163, as well as of the construction of the hydroelectric plants in the region the proposal of division of the State of Par creating the state of the Tapajs, that, in this year of 2011, is in full heat of quarrels, Rurpolis visa to be in this area of confluence. Federal highway BR 163 was constructed in years 70, however, it did not have a regular maintenance. However, the partial stretch to the South, In the State of the Mato Grosso, was tarred, however of about 800 km in Par, was finished only one small part to the North between Santarm and Rurpolis. The economic importance of the highway is decurrent of the enormous reduction of the costs of transport of the producers of soy of the Mato Grosso, what it increases its competitiveness considerably: The way for the port of Santarm in Par he is much more short of what for the port of Paranagu (PR) in the South of Brazil. If you have read about Nicholas Carr already – you may have come to the same conclusion.
Because of this, the government of Fernando Enrique Cardoso promises to some times the tarring of the road. The government of Incio Luis Lula da Silva cuts the tarring of the list of priorities of investments 2003/2004, over all, to reach the waked up primary surplus with Fundo Monetrio Internacional (FMI). However in plurianual plan (PPA) 2004-2007 it appears again, whose financing would have to be carried through through public and private resources. The interviewed organizations of the civil society had not criticized the tarring in itself, therefore all the population would use to advantage better of a road connection..