Managing Emotions

MANAGING the EMOTIONS Jose Aderaldo de Miranda Souza the way for the happiness passes for a life option, which option you made? After to have done its option, you has been disciplined the sufficient to guarantee its option? The human being is very complex, is a compound of emotions, brings a genetic load, has the interactions with the way, what we eat, what we drink, what we breathe. Exactly thus what more we want and the happiness. To be with health is not only pain absence, is a complete one welfare mental, psychic, familiar, financial, professional, ambient physicist, spiritual. Any one of these 0 variable being in disequilibrium intervenes with the health. Trio that we must prevent because they are the great causers of illnesses: anger, envies and vanity. To prevent yes, because to live completely without these causes of illnesses it is very difficult and it must be our goal the constant search for a balanced life. Style of life is the form for which a person lives deeply world, as choices behave and make.

Which its style of life? How you manage the pleasure and the happiness? Its behavior and choices for its personal life the difference makes all, this style of life must be managed with balance and wisdom. Most of the attitudes necessary to improve its style of life depends basically on disciplines not necessarily and a good management of the behavior and its choices and of money. The longevity has not felt if it will not have pleasure in the life, the great one cheap is to obtain to unite quality of life and longevity with balance, taste very to see velhinhos athlete if feeding correctly, dancing, making maritime cruises and living the best age with sufficient intensity. Some factors that affect the happiness must have special attention for not changedding itself into impeclios to the happiness.